« XIV : Blank »

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

A/N: I thank everyone who takes their time to stop by and read my fanfiction. This is based on the original Vampire Knight with some changes and just think of it as an AU. :D Well, enjoy~!


The next day, the day went by as usual. In the morning, Yuki had to attend the class, while in the afternoon, she had to do her job as the guardian. "Somehow, it felt quite lonely doing it all alone." She muttered in her mind as she looked around and found no one beside her to help her with the guardian job. She had asked about Zero's condition from the last incident that had happened. The headmaster had told her that he was alright and only need some rest. But, she could not even find him in his room. Then, there was Scarlet, whom she did not even know where after she ran away from the ball. She had thought that she would ask Luna about it since she might know something, but...

Her train of thoughts was disturbed as the girls from the day class were shouting again, as usual, signing that the gate was about to be opened soon. "Alright, alright! Don't push! Make way!" She said as the gate was opened, but then got pushed anyway by the crowds. She was about to fall if someone did not catch her. "Ah!" She said before she quickly moved away as she spoke, "I'm sorry Kaname-sen-" Then as she looked up from bowing down, she realized she got a wrong person. "Zero!" She called out surprised.

"What're you doing? Do your job properly." He simply commented. "Ah sorry." Yuki apologized as she looked at Zero. "Zero." She called as he walked towards the students to discipline them but then stopped to turn to look at Yuki. "Welcome back!" Yuki said with a big smile on her face. It took Zero a while before he replied with a simple, "Yeah." Then he saw Kaname who was standing behind the gate still and just looked away as Kaname approached Yuki.

"Good work as always, Yuki." He said as he was passing Yuki. "Ah, th-thank you, Kaname-senpai." Yuki answered shyly. Then she remembered something. "Wa-wait, Kaname-senpai. Is Luna absent again today...?" She asked as she looked around but did not find the vampire she mentioned. Kaname then turned to look at her again. "Yes. She is not coming to class again today, nor she is in the dorm." He informed her, knowing well where the question would be going to. "I-I see... Thank you." Yuki simply said bowing slightly.

"Don't worry." He began. Yuki looked up at him again, confused about where he's going. "Scarlet will be alright. At least I know Luna would take good care of her." He assured her with a smile on his face before he continued his way to the class with the other night class students who were waiting for him. "A-alright, thank you again, Kaname-senpai!" Yuki shouted as she watched him leave.

Meanwhile, at the same time on another place, deep down in the middle of an unknown forest, there stood a big, yet, dark mansion. There were no lamps or any other lights surrounding the said mansion, even the path to the mansion was dark. Perhaps it was made that way so nobody would notice there was such a big mansion in the middle of the forest, or perhaps, it was because the residents of the said mansion were creatures that preferred to live in the darkness.

The right answer was the latter, as the only residents living there was none other than a vampire student who owned a black hair that reached her shoulder and a pair of red eyes along with her servants. The said vampire was now standing in front of the guest she had brought herself, and the said guest was tied onto the chair. "Do you really have to tie me up?" Asked the reddish black-haired guest. "Of course. In just one day I kept you here, you have attempted to escape for 12 times already." The vampire said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

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