Part 52

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<>°Ready your pink tutus and axes. The Sexual part has come. Seriously, minotaurs, you need to control yourself°<>

With another breathless kiss from Laird, I finally decided to forget everything for a moment and just enjoy. Enjoy how loving his kiss was, how secure I felt in his arms and butterflies that fluttered in my stomach whenever he openly showed affection.

At that moment I didn't care that he was a lot older than me, or the fact that I was stuck on an island without any way to go home and had to adjust to living from the land.

I freed my arms and they snared around his neck as I pulled him closer, wanting to share the feelings that he so easily provoked in me. The flame of passion deep in me ignited in a second, welcoming a new feeling that I allowed to rule at this moment.

Laird gently traced my lower lip with his tongue and my lips parted, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Almost instantly, the gentleness disappeared as his tongue invaded my mouth, claiming dominance over the kiss without any resistance from me.

The kiss was broken as Laird moved down and began attacking my neck. His mouth quickly found the spot where I was bitten multiple times and roughly began running his sharp canines over my sensitive skin. My eyes closed themselves as I let a moan leave my lips and squirmed a little bit under him. I could feel that flame of passion only building up and starting to cloud my mind.

Suddenly, a sharp ripping sound resonated around us and a chilly air touched my naked chest. Such a sudden move caused me to gasp in surprise, but the coldness didn't last long. Laird's hot breath fanned my chest as his canines slowly traced down towards my breast. My cheeks quickly warmed up as embarrassment began mixing up together with arousal and I squirmed again. All of this was new for me.

Unbeknowns to me, my squirming only made Laird more excited. In one swift move he had my legs around his torso with my skirt hiked up to my stomach and my body fully on display for him. The remaining piece of cloth was quickly discarded from my body. He took a moment to admire me from above. Tracing my skin with the tips of his fingers, his hand slowly went from my neck, down to my breast and further down to my stomach. I could only watch Laird's tan and well built body and shiver from his rough yet feathery touch. His eyes slowly swirled into darker shade of navy, maybe even black, with his breathing quickening. I watched as he began taking off his fur kilt and my face went ablaze with it. My eyes quickly looked away from him, but my ears caught his chuckle. He didn't let me look away too long and instead pulled me into another dominated kiss. With my full attention back on Laird, he lowered himself and my body was once again enveloped in warmth. My hands happily traced his hard muscles, feeling them flex under his bronze skin.

He used the kiss to finally fully connect us. I could feel him pressing against my folds. With nothing separating us, the contact sent sparks through my excited body and broke another moan from my lips. My hips instinctively moved on their own, causing my wet and aroused core grind against his erect member, only prolonging the friction. A deep throaty growl vibrated my chest as Laird took my hip motion as a invite and I felt him enter my body. A wave of pain coursed through my lower stomach as my folds tried to adjust to him, earning a groan from me.

Laird pinned one of my hands above my head while his other gripped my hip. His mouth quickly found my bitten shoulder and his canines took a hold of my shoulder as he began moving our hips in a rhythm. His moves were strong and rough, no gentleness in them. With every thrust I could feel him going deeper and deeper into me until our hips locked together. I was raked with pain and arousal, confusing my clouded brain. My free hand showed Laird that I was in pain by digging its nails into his shoulder, but my vocals told him that I was in a bliss, begging for more.

With our bodies coated in a light sheet of sweat, my body was thrown into even more intense pain and pleasure when Laird entered deeper into my body. Adjusting my hips for an easier entrance, he began penetrating me with quick and strong thrusts. With my shoulder bleeding from Laird's bite and blood coating the air with metallic scent, it made very easy for Laird's true animal side to show up.

With Laird's wild thrust that managed to painfully strain my muscles, but hit the right spot for pleasure to fill my body at the same time, I was feeling the edge coming. My core was slowly getting tighter and tighter with pleasure and the need for the release increasing. My body couldn't hold it any longer and I finally came, the orgasm exploding and shaking my body. My back arched up as I screamed Laird's name in absolute ecstasy. I could feel my wall tighten around his member, making him growl. With a couple of more thrusts Laird reached his peak as well and with a vicious growl bit even harder into my shoulder. Locking our hips with a strong grip, his seed filled my womb.

Both of us were breathing heavily and just laid on the grass, enjoying the closeness of each other. Finally, Laird retracted his canines from my shoulder and snuggled into my neck.

'You are all mine' he whispered and separated from me. I was instantly pulled into his embrace and this time I snuggled into him. My body was too exhausted and sore to answer to him, so I only managed to let out a questionable sound. Laird began playing with a strand of my hair and chuckled.

'Someone is too sore to move' there was clear amusement in his voice and I huffed.

'Fuck you' I cussed at him in a friendly way, but he took those words directly. Excited shivers ran down my spine when I felt his hand lightly tracing down my body curves. His breath fanned my ear as he leaned down to me.

'With pleasure' he whispered and I could only shiver even more in anticipation.


That moment when you are writing sex scene with nice, instrumental music and it changes into a heavy rap. Suddenly, your sex scene turns into a freaking sex battle for your life. *facepalm*

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