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*Song above: NF- Let you down


"And I don't let them slip easily who step foot on my land without my permission." He growls. His warning hanging fresh in the air as it charges with tension.

Did I get myself in trouble?

Yes. I got myself in big trouble this time.

I want to run and never turn back. I want to disappear. 

The way he spoke told me that he meant every word. Every single one of them.

"What are you going to do?" I find myself asking and instantly I regret opening my mouth. I am already deep in trouble and here I go digging myself a grave deeper than I could ever manage to crawl out of.

He lets out a short, chilling laugh before I see him tilting his head at a side as if studying me. I could feel his heated gaze on me which sends a shiver down my spine and for a moment I could swear that my blood stopped flowing.

The tension in the air buzzed like electricity and the flames in the torches dimmed even more, darkening the room. I instinctively step back, wanting to put as much distance as possible in between the hooded figure and me.

He takes a big step forward and I gulp. "Are you scared?" He asks, his voice regal, having no hint of warmth to it. It sounded cold. It sounded like the angry hushes of the wind that blows on stormy nights.

"N-no." I lie stepping back. To say that I am scared would be an understatement. I was terrified. I am regretting coming here. If given a chance then I'd run and never come here, scratch that, I'd never look in the ruin's direction.

Another chilly laugh echoes the hall and I see him step forward. I take three steps back instinctively. His strides were big and it would take him only four steps to reach me.

"Liar." He growls, taking one more step forward while I take multiple steps back.

"And I hate liars." He adds. My heart thumps against my rib cage and my stomach churns painfully. I am sweating really hard and my mind is not functioning properly to deduce an escape plan.

"It'll be a shame to get rid of you so easily." He said halting in front of me. "You're so young, killing you in one go won't be fun." He adds and I gulp loudly. His words rake my insides and make it hard for me to breathe.

"I'll give you three tasks. If you manage to complete them then ... I might forgive you." He says tilting his hooded head at a side.

"And if you fail..." He trails off taking a step forward, standing right in front of me as he continues, "You'll never see the sun again." My breath hitched at his words.

Suddenly, the doors open with a loud creak and I see the flames disappear from the torches as well as his hooded figure leaving a thin trail of smoke lingering in the air. Everything seems as if nothing happened here.

Was I dreaming? I don't know but whatever I saw and heard seemed real and... terrifying. I don't want to be here again. In fact, I am not coming here again.

I do not take another moment and start running in the direction I entered the ruins. When I cross Arles' statue, I stop and can't help but look at it for a moment. I've been coming here as back as I could remember. For me, this place was safest and peaceful but not anymore.

I kept running and stopped only when I reached home- the place that I dreaded the most. I know that my mother is waiting for me to talk about last night. I want to go somewhere where I wouldn't have to face mom or anyone but I have nowhere left now since the Ruins don't seem safe anymore.

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