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A deafening roar rings throughout the caves before I feel the basilisk near me. With all my might, I step forward and whip my whip. I feel it hit the roaring basilisk and instantly its roar of victory converts into a cry of pain.

A small smile stretches over my lips before I step forward and start to whip my whip without any halt and mercy. I could feel it back off and try to dodge my whip but I am experienced with this weapon. It's like a part of me, I know where am I striking.

One after another its cries of pains echo throughout the cave before I hear it disappear under the water with a loud splash. I stop whipping and listen intently for its whereabouts. I cannot risk opening my eyes because it could emerge out of nowhere. The sound of my harsh breaths resonates in the cave and my heart drums in my chest.

Adrenaline is rushing in my veins along my blood and the undertone of my chattering teeth due to the coldness accompanies the meek sounds that float in the air. Several seconds pass by but I don't hear anything. Have I wounded it enough to kill it?

I bash my whip in thin air before its crisp crippling sound bounces off the rocks in the cave and reach my ear followed by the low hiss of my whip.

"Zesux!" I call out loudly. I am not done yet. I want this finished soon. Suddenly, the water surface breaks and the basilisk appears from beneath it, calling my attention by its deafening roar. I feel it lung at me and so I instantly bash my whip but instead of getting hit, I feel it catch my whip's tip. I try to tug my whip back from its hold. In the next moment, my whip is being tugged angrily out of hand. I place both my hands on the handle of the whip and clutch it as tightly as I could. The rough edges of my whip scratch against the skin of my palms which will leave red angry marks on it later. My teeth are clenched as I try to pull it back. I won't let him take it away!

It belonged to my grandma June!

I growl and try to pull it back but the basilisk roughly tugs it. The land under my feet starts to disappear and I realize that I am being picked up along with my whip before it starts to thrash its head while I am dangling down my whip.

I am being roughly thrashed in the air. I feel like the cloth of a flag that's being angrily beaten by the wind. The handle of my whip finally slips off my hand and I end up flying across the cave, over the lake and colliding on the rough rock wall before falling on the floor with a thud.

Pain shoots up throughout my body and I wince before letting out a loud groan and a pain of cry. The basilisk roars again and I feel it advancing at me at a great speed. I try to get up but instantly collapse on the ground.

My lungs are deprived of air and my vision is blurry but as I feel the basilisk advancing at me, I could feel something stir inside me. A part of me that has been asleep all this time seems to have woken up all of a sudden.

My senses grow sharp and vivid. I could clearly feel everything in this cave -from the water dripping off from the rocks above the lake to the scales of the basilisk that scratch against the floor as it advances towards me. I could feel every particle, every molecule in this cave. I could feel the latent energy that calls for me to awaken it.

My breath deepens as I balance myself and sit up. I am kneeling towards the lake, facing the statue as the basilisk advances towards me, ready to claim my life.

My eyes snap open before I see red.

I let out a thundering growl before throwing my head and arms back. Blinding light emerges from me, drowning the whole cave with heat and brightness. The crackling of fire flames could be shortly heard followed by the cries of the basilisk.

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