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I storm to my room, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. He took me to his room while I was sleeping. Vesta is quite happy inside me. Ughhhh, I am so angry. I want to burn things. I want to destroy something.

I bathe and get dressed for the day. When I step out of the bathroom, the breakfast is already waiting for me. I eat silently and think about my plan.

I'll sneak into Isidorus' wing. Take a handful of the traveling sand. This place is highly enchanted which doesn't allow anyone to travel in or out of this place with the help of traveling sand. I could travel somewhere inside the Kingdome with the traveling sand but to travel somewhere outside the Kingdom, I need to get to this secluded sanctuary which is not enchanted.

I don't know where this sanctuary is. I wish someone told me about it. I decided to check it in the maps that came with the books. After searching for an hour, finally, I think I've found where the Sanctuary is. There's an empty slot at the very bottom of this place. It's unnamed and ... secluded.

I tear the map out from the book and step out of my room. With caution, I step out of Arles' wing. I check multiple times to make sure no one's around. I put the hood of my cloak on and silently head towards Isidorus' wing.

The time is perfect because he won't be there. All the ministers would be in the courtroom with Arles, discussing matters about the kingdom. I have been sneaky enough to know the pattern to open the door to Isidorus' wing.

I silently sneak in and head to the shelves that are loaded with jars containing herbs and animal organs. Finally, I spot the jar of traveling sand. I take two handfuls of the sand before slipping it into the pocket of my cloak.

I put the jar back and exit Isidorus' wing before making sure that everything looks untouched. I follow the map and find myself deep down in the castle. This place is very dark so I use fire to light the place up. It's a surprise that oxygen manages to exist deep down here.

I climb down numerous stairs before walking down dark and deserted hallways. This place looks like dungeons. A gasp leaves my mouth when I see bones and remains of decaying bodies. I increase my pace and soon, I am standing before a big door with various patterns inscribed on it just like the door to Arles' wing.


I don't know the pattern of this door. I want to throw a fit now. I didn't come this far to return back. Holding my breath, I arrange the patter of Arles' wing door. I don't know what led me to do it. Seconds pass by as nothing happens but suddenly, I hear a distant click before the door roars open to reveal a humongous room.

I step inside to find the whole place empty except a statue of the moon goddess in the middle of the room. The door closes behind me and Vesta stirs.

'This is wrong,' she whimpers.

'It's okay. We'll be back soon,'

Wait, what!?

Without thinking much, I take out a handful of the traveling sand from my pocket before imaging the woods that faces our house in the pack. I let the sand slip from my hand drop to the floor.

Suddenly, everything starts spinning. I close my eyes and wince when I feel a tremendous amount of pressure over my body. I hear angry hushes of the wind before feeling something soft under my feet. I open my eyes to find myself in the woods covered with snow.

I look around to realize that the place is familiar. With a wide smile stretched over my face, I run in the direction of home. I want to see my family!

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