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Song above:  Vanic X Zella Day - Hypnotic


It's dusk when I step out. The cold evening air hits my face while I feel the warmth of his body just behind mine. His breath tickles the back of my neck and I suck in a breath before I step away from him and towards some naked trees. He steps away to phase as well.

As I undo my dress I hear bones cracking in distance. As soon as I am done taking off the last piece of cloth from my body, I concentrate on shifting. I am shifting after a long time. It takes some time before auburn fur covers my body and my bones crack and reshape themselves.

Soon, I find myself on my fours and stretching like a cat. The thud of paws against the snow reaches my ears before I open my eyes to find a big black wolf standing in front of me. His silver eyes regard me with a fervent and possessive look in them. Maintaining eye contact, he nears me before he starts to sniff me. Shortly he starts to lick me. A low growl vibrates his chest when I try to move away.

I sigh and settle down on the snow as he continues to lick me. I stand up all of a sudden in the middle of his licking session when boredom struck me. I start walking towards the woods while feeling his big wolf follow me. He towers me in both human and wolf form. A sense of tranquility washes over me, feeling his presence beside me.

His wolf follows me closely wherever I go. When I start running, he does the same. He increases his speed when I speed up while he slows down when I do the same. I try to outrun him several times but somehow he always manages to keep up with me.

I increase my speed and push my legs harder, increasing the distance between us. A thundering growl is all I get as a warning before he leaps on me. His weight pins me down to the ground. I growl and try to get up but he presses his body against mine, keeping me pinned down. I try to wiggle but he continues to press me down.

I huff and lie down flat. My ears pressed against my skull. He nudges his snout around my neck as he keeps me pinned down. Whatever he is doing, it's sending waves of pleasure down my body. I shiver under him as he continues to do it. I let out a little squeal as pleasure envelopes me.

I don't remember how long we stayed like that. When the weight of his body disappeared from above me, it felt like forever. I let out a yawn and again stretch like a cat before I break off in a run. He follows me. For the rest of the evening, we play and run around before going back.


When I step out of the closet in my pajamas he's already sitting on the bed in his pajamas, waiting for me. For a moment, I feel self-conscious under his fervent eyes. He studies me from head to toe as he waits for me to climb on the bed. My stomach dips while looking at him.

His eyes slightly darken as the corner of his lips curl up into a sexy smirk. His eyes are daring me to climb on the bed. They have this magnetic pull in them. I feel helplessly drawn to him. I clutch the bedsheet in my hand as I stand by the edge of the bed and watch him.

"Come here," He commands. His voice is deep and guttural. The air around us is buzzing with tension. He's turned on.

The corner of my lips curls up into a smirk as an idea comes to my mind. His eyes darken up as his eyes focus on my lips. I slowly start to move along the edge of the bed towards him. As I near him, his eyes grow darker and more fervent.

As I stand at his side of the bed where he's sitting and watching me hungrily, my smile grows bigger. I place my hands on his thighs before I lean and whisper in his ear, "Good night, Arles," I feel him suck in a breath before I switch off the lights on his side and step back with a smirk on my lips.

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