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How did she do it? How was she able to survive my deadliest of blows? I have immense power. I have the capability to destroy half the world in just a blink but she survived it, how?

How could a mortal like her survive my power? I must find out. I head towards the pack she belongs to. After reaching the Alpha's house, I climb into her room through the window to find it empty but as soon as I step inside, this particular scent hits my nose that makes my wolf lose control.

He's pacing impatiently inside me to find out the source of this scent. It excites him, it calms him. It's making him lose control. He wants to take over me and follow the scent to find out its source. I have come to this room before as well, but I didn't find this scent then.

I try to fill my lungs to the brim with it, it's so addicting. I can't help myself. I want more of it. If I get the source of this scent then I am going to keep it. Listening to my wolf, I follow it outside the room and downstairs. This scent leads me outside the house through the front door and thence to the pack house.

As I step towards the pack house, the wind changes its course, flowing from the direction of the forest. A stronger trail of the addictive scent reaches my nose from the forest. Without thinking, I turn on my heels and start marching towards the forest. The scent is fresh here, undisturbed and intense.

My wolf is getting more impatient at me and urging me to walk fast. He cannot wait to find the source of this scent. He's already craving it so badly and a major part of me is craving for it as well. I want to know what on this mortal realm has the power to affect me this way.

As I step deeper into the forest, several sounds of grunt and growl float in the air and a faint light is escaping from between the trees. Fire. I can tell it from standing here that its fire, wildfire but it's very unlikely and impossible for the trees here to catch fire due to the weather and temperature until and unless someone lit it.

The scent leads me to the fire. As I near it, the fire starts to grow massive, its flames reaching higher than the trees. It looks more like fire from hell. Regal and destructive, turning everything to ashes that ever dare come its way.

Howls and painful cries now fill the air along with the crackling of the flames. I am standing in the midst of destruction. Something catches my eyes. A figure wrapped in fire flames running in zig-zag paths as it cries out in pain. I zero my eyes at it and instantly recognize the creature.

Goatmen, the servants of Ishtar but what are they doing here? I feel my chest rumble with a growl thinking about that goddess of fertility. She pairs my wolves. The matchmaker or whatever the other gods like to call her. I don't like her a bit, in fact, I loathe her. We're enemies.

I step in the fire that fails to affect me and follow the scent that leads me into it. Many burned goatmen are lying on the snow, turned into ashes. I step on the ashes, my nose held high in the air, tailing the scent that calls to the beast inside me. I'll stop only when I get to its source.

Finally, I reach the epicenter of this massive fire where the intensity of the flames is more than destructive. What I see next, knocks the breath out of me.

Surrounded by the flames, she lies on the ground, her midnight black hair spewed on the melting snow. Her eyes are closed and besides her lay a huge executioner's sword. My insides light up with intense desire and passion.


In the next moment, I am pulling her in my arms. Sparks explode all over my skin wherever her skin makes contact with mine. I am overcome with such feelings and want that I never knew existed in me. My beast is fighting for control. He wants to have her and take her away to our place and keep her forever. She is ours.

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