Bonus Scene: Arles + Nefret | Part I

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"I am going to check on the boys," I told Arles as we walked out of the courtroom. He cocked an eyebrow at me.

I knew he was going to object to it but before he could say anything, one of the ministers claimed his attention and soon they got busy with some important discussion.

I took this moment to escape. I have been working all day and it had drained all my energy. I needed some fresh air. I needed to escape so badly.

It was late in the afternoon and I was supposed to stay till the evening but I couldn't. I was sure that I did not want to go into the courtroom again before tomorrow.

The workload was always too much at the court. It required us to work long stretches of hours. I was starting to hate them.

The work kept me so busy that I was left with a small amount of time to spend with my boys. I wanted to be a memorable part of their childhood but I doubted that it wouldn't be possible with all the work.

I entered our wing before heading straight to our pups' nursery. I have been looking forward to this part of the day.

"Your majesty," Cynthia, the old witch bowed as soon as I entered the room. I offered her a genuine smile.

Cynthia looked after my boys while I and Arles were at court. She took great care of them and to some extent, also acted like a grandmotherly figure to them. I loved to have her around the boys. She managed them quite well.

She adored the boys and the boys loved her back. They too loved to spend time with her.

"Did my boys trouble you, Cynthia?" I asked as I looked around the room to find them. She laughed before answering, "No, they did not. We had quite some fun today. They are both asleep," She said as she pointed at the crib.

I nodded before nearing the crib and looking into it. I found my boys, Ares and Regulus peacefully sleeping. Innocense and tranquility decorated their beautiful faces. I instantly felt my heart melt.

"Thank you for looking after them, Cynthia. I really appreciate the work you do," I told her and she bowed again.

"Your majesty, it's my pleasure." She whispered with a huge smile on her lips before leaving me alone with my boys. I sighed as I settled on the chair beside the crib and looked down at my boys sleeping.

Ares was three years old. Regulus was two years old. Both looked like the little versions of Arles. They did not inherit much from me except my fire element. Though right then, they were too young to use it.

Even though they looked quite similar due to taking most of their father's features, they had very different and defined personalities already.

Ares was the most notorious and active from the beginning, even in my womb. He was the one who kept Cynthia busy for the most part.

On the other hand, Regulus was quite the opposite. He was calm most of the time and hardly did anything notorious like his big brother. But his immense curiosity made up for the lack of the notorious nature that he didn't take after his brother.

I couldn't help but smile at them while I ran my hand through their curly black hair. They were so precious to me. They were the best thing that happened to me and Arles. They helped me and Arles to develop our relationship very much.

We were still working on our relationship and steadily developing our kingdom. After accepting witches in the kingdom, responsibilities and work doubled.

Zaeris was slowly progressing after the upliftment of the infertility curse. The witches had found a way to bring back the fertility of our soil and they were working hard on it continuously.

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