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*Song above: Just a dream by Nelly


Instead of going off, the intensity of the fire increases, surrounding me. I try to scream but no sound comes out of my mouth. I feel trapped and helpless.

I think this is my end.

I feel the energy drain off my body slowly, and black spots start to appear in my vision. My legs feel as if they're made of jelly and soon, I collapse on the ground while the flames surrounding me rise higher.

Suddenly, I hear screaming and footsteps. I see mom enter the kitchen, her eyes wide, terror clearly visible in them. What surprises me is that while she steps over the fire, nothing happens to her. As soon as her eyes landed on me, she comes rushing to me, kneeling by my side.

"Andrew!" I hear her call for dad before I slip into a deep sleep. Am I going to be okay? Is this my end? If it is then I am happy because I don't have to celebrate my 18th birthday and deal with not having a mate for a lifetime.


"She's a hybrid." I hear someone say and shortly feel something wet on my forehead. I try to open my eyes but they seem heavy. I take a deep breath and it feels tiring. Breathing feels tiring. I feel so tired. It feels as if there's nothing left in me. I feel as if my whole body is paralyzed.

Collecting all the energy that's left in my body, I open my eyes to find everything blurred. I blink a couple of times, the remaining energy draining of my body due to this small action and wait until my vision focuses.

By the color of the walls, I realize that I am in my room. I am lying on my bed, covered with my comforter while dad sits near the bed head, changing the wet cloth on my head. I see mom standing on the other side of the bed along with my sisters.

All the 4 pairs of eyes trained directly on me.

"But how?" Phoebe asks.

"Your mom was a hybrid." Dad answers and even though I don't have enough energy left in my body, my head snaps towards mom and my eyes go wide. I never knew mom was hybrid. All this time, I thought that the concept of hybrids was just some made up shit. According to legends, hybrids are cursed wolves. As a punishment for committing grave crimes, the moon goddess cursed the wolves with such power that would consume themselves.

"I thought hybrids did not exist." Grace speaks. Dad shakes his head as he changes the wet cloth on my head with another one.

"They do. Of you three, Nefret got my hybrid genes." Mom speaks; her vibrant blue eyes trained on me.

"Well, Nefret got most of your features." Phoebe speaks and I roll my eyes for the hundredth time on this. I've heard this lot of times that I look just like my mother. Which is kind of true given that my sisters have silver hair and eyes while I don't. My sisters inherited most of my dad's feature while I got mom's.

"Though, I never expected her to be a hybrid." Mom speaks while looking deep in thought. It takes me a moment to realize that she's talking about me being a hybrid. I don't know how to feel about this. Many people say that being a hybrid is a curse while some people say that it's a gift. There's a lot of speculation on this concept. Since I don't know much about being a hybrid, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Why?" Grace asks eagerly. She's looking at me oddly. I can't really decipher the expression decorating her face but I can tell one thing by the look in her eyes that she's jealous.

Her question hangs in the air unanswered and I see mom and dad exchange a look. They seem to be having a deep conversation through the mind link.

"Let her rest. Go back into your rooms." Dad says getting up and I see Phoebe and Grace leave my room but not before Grace throws me a jealous glare. I roll my eyes at her antics and soon feel sleep creep up my eyes, pulling me into the depths of unknown dreams and darkness.

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