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I wake up the next day lightheaded. "I want to sleep more," I groan into the pillow when he tries to pull me out of the bed.

"We have a lot of work today, Neffie." He speaks above me while I cover my ears with another pillow and try to hide deeper into the sheets, but he is hellbent on not letting me sleep in more.

"Arles, please." I groan and try to pull the sheets back from him. He lets out a little triumphant laugh when he successfully pulls the sheets off me, leaving me bare against the cold morning wind. A cold shiver runs down my spine before my patience decides that's it's enough.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell at him as I sit up. I resemble a ticking bomb now, and I am just seconds away from exploding. Meanwhile, he is standing at the edge of the bed and looking at me sternly. As I glare at him, he cocks an eyebrow at me as if questioning my sanity. For some reason, it triggers me and suddenly, I am super pissed at him.

"Leave. Me. Alone." I speak, giving equal and major emphasis on each word. I am not in the mood to play anymore. I truly want to be left alone. I don't know why I am feeling this but something in me tells me that if he doesn't comply with my demands sooner than all the objects in his bedroom might soon resemble the state of ashes.

The expression on his face is that of stubbornness. "No," He utters lowly with his deep voice as if testing my nerves. Unintentionally, my canines are out, and I flash them to him. His eyes darken instantly before he growls, "Get up,"

It was a command and I am not good at following commands. In the next moment, the bed is on fire while I am sitting on it and giving him a death glare.

"No," I growl meanwhile. I am not going anywhere from here. I won't go anywhere without my whim. He looks at me for some moments longer before sighing and leaving. This takes me by surprise because I was waiting for him to put up a fight or do something that I won't like but he leaves without uttering a word.

As the fire evaporates, the contents of the bed have turned into ashes while I sit among them and contemplate what just happened between us. All the traces of sleep have evaporated from my eyes and now, I am wide awake.

He has changed...

It must have been quite long as I sat on the bed and pondered over my thoughts. The bed is destroyed, and I hate myself now for setting it on fire in the first place. With a huff, I crawl out of the bed with ashes decorating my skin.

"Whoa," I stumble on my steps on my way to the bathroom. I feel slightly dizzy and it seems to be affecting my balance. As far as I remember I didn't drink much last night to have a hangover in the morning. In fact, last night I didn't drink at all.

I bathe and dress for the day. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I feel sick in the stomach when I am doing my hair in front of the mirror. I rush to the bathroom and throw up the water that I drank some moments ago. When there's nothing left in my stomach to throw up, I am back in the bedroom, but I can't lay in the bed because I burned it.

Suddenly, something clicks in my head, and in the next moment I find myself heading to the adjacent room to our bedroom. My eyes are met with Luna's silver ones as soon as I enter the room. Our painting is till on the wall and the room is as it was when I used to live here.

As soon as I step inside the bedroom and see the small bed, Arles' words suddenly ring in my ears.

'That's room for our pups,'

I shake my head as the possibility of me being pregnant revolves around my head. It can't be. I haven't gone into heat yet and; it won't be an appropriate time to have a pup because I just became a queen and I have so many responsibilities and so much work to do.

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