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*Song above: Deewani Mastani Full Video Song | Bajirao Mastani


"You were really hungry," Archander comments as I devour another pastry in just a few seconds. I glare at him but he rolls his eyes before eating a pastry himself.

"So..." He trails off.

"So what?" I ask as I chose which pastry to eat next. There are so many varieties of pastry here. I want to taste all of them.

"So, am I forgiven?" He asks warily. His eyes are pleading me. I narrow my eyes at him before speaking.

"Not yet,"

"How many more pastries will it take for you to forgive me?" He asks. I shrug at him as I devour another pastry. This one seems to be filled with pineapple tart. It's so delicious I almost moan.

He sighs before continuing to devour the pastries on his plate.

"I don't want to be here," I blurt out suddenly.

"Oh come on! Look at all of this! Who wouldn't want to be here?" Archander exclaims while gesturing at the whole table loaded with so much food it would take me seven lives to devour everything.

"I am not a kid whom you can tempt by promising some candies!" I growl at him.

"Oka, then where will you go? You don't have anywhere to go except that pack of yours where I think you'll be hardly welcomed" He says heatedly. I press my lips in a thin line and glare at him because he has a point.

I don't really think that my pack will welcome me warm heartedly after the staged attack. Plus, it's not like I had good relations with them. They hated me already. They must be celebrating in my absence. I don't want to rain on their parade. Hope they're happy without me.

The remaining day passes with Archander showing me around the place. The architecture here is so beautiful and ancient. At the same time, this place has a haunting feeling to it. It looks like a dystopian landscape. Everything is so gloomy and dark.

The walls of this place are dark and ruined yet they stand strong despite the weather and time. This place must have been built a long time ago.

Right now Archander is leading me to another part of the castle through a garden covered with snow. It doesn't look like a garden. It looks more like a burial ground.

"Why is everything so dead here?" I ask Archander while nodding at a dead tree. It stands tall. Its branches are naked and black, looking more like hands of rotten corpses. I could make out other attempts to plant trees here but they all look like they went into a vein.

"The soil is poisonous here," He explains nodding towards the dead tree I have been staring at. This strikes my curiosity. The soil is dead here but why? Did any chemical war take place here that turned the soil poisonous or is it something else?

"Why?" I find myself asking out of curiosity.

"It's..." Archander trails off while looking at a distance, "there's a curse on Zaeris, Nefret. Nothing can be born here,"

"But why? Who put this curse?" I ask further. My interest on this matter is slowly growing. I want to know why this place looks worse than ruins. What happened here? There's always this haughty feeling to this place that I cannot be oblivious to.

Archander keeps silent and looks down at me pensively before speaking,

"Ishtar, the goddess of fertility put this curse on Zaeris,"

"But why?"

"Because Arles killed her mate," He blurts out. My mouth drops open. I open and close it. I don't know what to think about it. I knew Arles was bad but this makes him seem worse than what I had ever imagined.

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