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*Song above: Marshmello & Kane Brown - One Thing Right (Official Music Video)


"But yesterday, you proved me completely wrong." The crease that had been forming between my eyebrows all this time loosens suddenly as I look at him in disbelief. For a moment, I am not even sure if he is speaking another language because suddenly, the words refuse to make sense to me.

I cock one of my eyebrows at him as silence interrupts us. His lips curve up into a light smile making me question the sight before me. I want to scream intruder at him because I have never seen him smile before. He is always stern and is always involved in business. I wonder how many times he had smiled. It feels like I can count them on my fingers.

"I realized that to be reckless one needs courage too but it's a different kind of courage. We, warriors, don't possess that kind of courage. We are trained to fight and protect but that courage... it comes with a sense of realization of one's true and ultimate potential. It comes with a realization that you'll lose even when you win. It comes with the realization that you'll fall down but you'll stand up again. It comes with the realization that you or anyone alone doesn't matter but we all matter as a whole. Those who have it are very rare and I along with the whole ministry consider us very honored and blessed to have a reckless queen like you,"

I am left dumbstruck as he finishes speaking and bows his head down in respect again. It's surprising how my mind never ran that far to fetch such deep thoughts. But then again, I am not considering how ancient he is and he probably has a lot more experience than I have. Also, he is a man of war. He ponders over details more than I ever could.

"I..." I trail off, feeling at a loss of words. I don't know if I'd be able to describe what his words mean to me even if I put all the words known to man together. I closed my gaping mouth before I sigh deeply and collect myself.

"I could have never imagined that my actions would mean so much to someone. I am grateful to have ministers like you," I know I sound dumb speaking this and I was expecting him to give me a funny look but instead he raises his head and lightly nods at me before he walks away with the same air of seriousness that he came with.

Arles may or may not have noticed this, but he has the best ministers.


At dinner, everyone looks cheerful as soon as I enter the huge dinner accompanied by Arles, who is holding my hand as he leads to the head of the table. Everyone bows their heads as Arles and I take our seats.

As soon as everyone has settled down, light music starts flowing from the small orchestra sitting at the corner of the room. I remember the first time I stepped into this room with Arles. So many things have changed since then.

The faces that looked at me disapprovingly at me once are now warm and welcoming. They are regarding me with a different kind of respect in their eyes that never existed there before. Even Armelius, who always seems graveled and cranky, is in a good mood today. He is not sitting silently but is actually participating in small conversations with the ministers.

Lyco, Sosicles, and Euclio who had always seemed cold to me give me a small smile and nod when their eyes are met with mine.

"Where's Haestus?" Arles wonder aloud beside and it is when I notice the empty chair beside Archander. Archander simply shrugs his shoulders before he continues to talk with Firminus beside him.

"I think he is out witch hunting," Armelius comments and suddenly it has my interest. I do realize now how Haestus had seemed to be missing for a couple of days.

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