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- HER-

How am I going to do it?

This question occupied most of my thoughts as I walked home back through the eerie and dark forest. My mind has been trying to come up with ways to catch that deer.

Faster than an arrow. Sacred to Artemis.

I cannot kill it or I'll have to face Artemis. I am already on the bad side of one god, I don't want to cross another and make this harder for me.

My nose wrinkled at the sight of the building I call home. With a deep sigh, I get in. I am greeted with Phoebe and Grace, both lingering in the living room couch, watching tv.

"Where were you at?" Phoebe asks as soon as she sees me enter the room. Grace's attention is bought to me as well.

"Friend's house." I mutter under my breath as I stalk towards the stairs to go to my room.

"But you don't have any friend!" Grace exclaims behind me and I ignore her as I start to climb the stairs. My mind is set on the second task. I have to complete it, but how am I going to do it?

How can I catch it?

I enter my room and as soon as I undo my jacket and pull it off, I realize how exhausted I am. My eyelids are heavy and my whole body is aching. I step out of my boots and collapse on the bed to get some sleep.

As soon as I close my eyes, I hear something snap in my room. I sit up to find the blonde from the cave who helped me.

"Get Lost!" I growl getting up from my bed. These knuckleheads need to stop appearing in my room until and unless they want to be kicked in the shin. First Arles and now, him. If I charge them for every time they appear in my room, I swear I'd have enough money to go to Disneyland twice.

He simply raises an eyebrow at me as he lowers his hood to reveal his breathtaking face.

"I am here to help." He speaks silently. His eyes briefly settled on me.

"First, tell me who you are." I demand. I wasn't satisfied with the introduction he gave me last time. Well wisher be damned.

He nods at me before stepping forward.

"Haestus." He says before silence follows his words.

"And why are you here exactly?"

"To help yo-"

"Why help me?" I ask sitting up straight. There must be a reason behind him helping me. People don't help without a reason or without wanting something in return. At least strangers don't and this man, standing in my bedroom is no one less than a stranger to me.

He stays silent for some moments before he starts speaking.

"You'll know soon." He shrugs and I shake my head at him. I must know what is expected of me in return of the help that he's providing me. If he wants something big in return for this help then I am better on my own. I don't want help.

"I want to know now." I demand and see him pinch his nose as he looks frustrated.

"No wonder why both of you were paired. Always stubborn and-"

"WHAT?" I interrupt his muttering, reminding him that I am still here or rather he's still in my room. I yawn realising how badly I want to sleep but I cannot because he interrupted me.

"Be quick, I want to sleep." I say rubbing my eyes and yawing once more like a cat.

"He told you to catch the Golden Hind, didn't he?" He asks tilting his head at a side. I nod.

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