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"Ishtar?" I utter in disbelief, but she halts at the front of the stage before giving us a huge smile.

"I am not Ishtar..." says the goddess in front of me in a sweet, melodic voice. It sounds so enchanting. She has a natural charismatic aura to her which itself commands everyone's attention in the room. "I am Inanna, her successor, and the new pairer. I am here to pledge my alliance with your Kingdome, unlike Ishtar." When she is done speaking, silence engulfs the room. Everyone's looking at Arles, holding their breath captive in their lungs.

He turns to look at me. His eyes look deep into mine before he turns to her and nods lightly. The corner of her lips turns up into a smile before she bows her head. I look at her very closely while a question keeps revolving in my head. What happened to Ishtar?

I contemplate on asking Arles about it while I watch one the priests guide her to a place to sit before the ceremony continues.

After the little ceremony, everyone is in the ballroom, having a drink and socializing. Arles leaves my side to discuss some issues with Hades and the lycan king, Ezekyle. Demeter rolls her eyes at them as she walks by them before joining me. She wishes me well before her attention is claimed by Hera.

I am again united with Artemis. She is very happy to see me. The last time I saw her, it was when I was 17 and wanted her Golden Hind for one of the tasks given by Arles. She throws back her head and gives a hearty laugh while some wine trips off her glass.

"It was so clever of you! He always had an eye on my Golden Hind and you almost gave it to him before snatching it away from right under his nose. Oh, his expression! I just loved it!" She half laughs, and half speaks before gulping down the remaining drink. I think that Arles must have been hearing us closely because instantly, he looks at us from over his shoulder before cocking an eyebrow. I smirk at him and see his eyes twinkle before he resumes talking to his company.

We are joined by Persephone and Athena shortly. They are fun to talk to and have such charismatic and compelling personalities, I feel drawn to them. Athena is straightforward and witty while Persephone hides her sarcasm under her classy remarks.

We are interrupted when someone clears their throat behind us. I turn around to find Inanna standing there with a wide smile on her lips. I freeze when my eyes meet her red ones and suddenly, I am reminded of Ishtar. She looks exactly like her, but her voice is different.

"If you don't mind then I'd love to talk to you alone," She speaks humbly but somehow, she sounds powerful. It seems more like a command which has me tipping my chin higher and turning around fully to face her directly.

"Sure," with that, we excuse ourselves and I lead her to one of the empty verandas just outside the ballroom.

"Ish- I mean, Inanna," I correct myself as I turn around to face her and hear what she has got to say. She smiles at me before, "Your highness, I am grateful to you for accepting me regardless of what my predecessor did. I am here to make up for the mistakes Ishtar made and improve the condition of my state." I nod at her as she pauses and looks at me before she continues again, "Right now, I don't have much to offer but all I am capable of giving to you is this small gift as a blessing." As she speaks her gaze goes down to my abdomen before she looks me back in the eyes.

"What is it?" I ask her curiously. She smiles wide at me before answering, "You'll find out in a couple of days," I stare at her as she smiles wider at me while I look at her in wonder.

"You look just like Ishtar," I didn't realize that I've said it out loud until her expression changes.

"Yes, we do look the same. We were twins. She banished me when she took the throne. I am back now," She explains as she looks past my shoulders and stares at the starry sky behind me. I nod lightly at her as the information she gave me sinks into my head.

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