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"What did she do this time?" I ask Euclio, my general. I and all my ministers are present in the courtroom. Currently, we're discussing Ishtar's advancement. She tried to enter Zaeris again last night but failed miserably.

"She tried to break the high wall," He answers my question. There's an invisible wall build around my kingdom which doesn't let anything from outside come in and anything from inside go out without my permission.

"As usual," I remark casually but Euclio shakes his head while other ministers listen to us carefully.

"There were others with her," At this, my head snaps towards him and I feel a growl building up in my chest. Suddenly, Rey stirs inside me. He is restless all of a sudden. He wants me to go looking for Nefret.

"We've raised caution around the wall and installed more guards," Euclio assures me after seeing my reaction. I nod at him before we discuss other matters in the Kingdom. I can't wait to finish this meeting and go look for Nefret. Something feels wrong.

Judging from the feelings draining into me through the bond, she seems to be up to something that I won't approve. Her wolf seems anxious too. I excuse myself from my ministers before storming towards my wing.

"NEFRET!" I call out for her as soon as I step inside my wing. I rush to her room only to find it empty. A growl escaped my chest when I don't find her anywhere. I exit my wing angrily to find Henricus, the transportation minister waiting outside. He looks hesitant.

"What is it, Henricus?" I growl as I step forward.

"Your Highness, the secluded sanctuary has been found to be opened by someone," He tells me sternly but I did not miss the undertone of fear in his voice. I growl before shoving him aside and storming to the place.

My mind is racing with various thoughts and my chest is bubbling with so many emotions that it's making me feel overwhelmed. I never felt this way. She is doing things to me. She is testing me. She is finding new buttons to push every day.

Rey is angrily pacing inside me. He wants to be let out so that he could go after her and drag her back and mark her as ours. I am trying everything to keep her safe but she is not having it. She is not cooperating.

I am angry at her. There's one more feeling that's foreign to me.


I am feeling it right now. What if she has left this place? What if I don't manage to find her? What will become of me without her? I am losing my mind. I want to see her now. I want her to be by my side. If I don't manage to get her then I'll go insane. I'll burn everything down until I find her. I'll move hell and heaven to find her.

I am scared to lose her. I'll be devastated if I lose her.

My nose picks up her faint scent in the dungeons. She has been here! I increase my pace and reach the secluded sanctuary before putting in the pattern. The door opens and I step inside. Her scent lingers in the air. My eyes fall on the burned traveling sand before a thundering growl rumbles my chest.

I'll find her and mark her mine. I won't tolerate this. I'll make her pay for this. No one takes away what's mine. She is mine and the consequence of running away from me will be something that'll make her regret thinking about running away from me in the first place.

Suddenly, the sand on the floor starts swirling before she appears back. She is on her knees when a whimper leaves her mouth. She is back. Good. She has saved me the trouble of hunting her down. Now I'll show her how bad I can get.

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