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Without thinking next, I jump right into the green water. The freezing cold water hits me like a wrecking ball, knocking all the breath out of me. The torch in my hand sizzles as the water eats the fire, drowning me and the whole place in darkness.

A roar echoes throughout the cave, making my bones shiver as if the cold water itself wasn't enough. I pump my legs through the dense water and sense commotion right behind me. I didn't have to turn around to confirm its presence. I could simply feel it. The tremendous amount of power surging over me through the water and the stale smell that arose from it is enough to call my attention.

I pump my legs in the dense and cold water as fast as I can. Since I didn't get the chance to fill my lungs with sufficient air, they're screaming at me to feed them some air or my body will be shut down. But I couldn't afford to mend their needs. Either way, my life is in danger.

I swim through the lake and surface it on its other end. I step out of the water, my clothes drenched with water. My teeth chatter as the cold air hits my wet skin and spreads cold chills over my body. Water is trickling down my hair and my breath is forming white clouds in front of my face. 

All my senses flare up with the presence of that creature just behind me. I could feel its eyes on me, looking through my flesh under my skin, blazing my bones.

The room is drenched with darkness since my torch lost its fire to the water. I cannot turn around to face it but feel it near me, slowly and menacingly. My bones are chilling with the cold water and my heart is making an effort to pump enough blood throughout my body.

A loud hiss rings out just behind me and I flinch my eyes shut imagining all the ways it could kill me.

I need fire.

I imagine the heat and the fierceness of the flames. All the cells in my body flicker up with heat and this newly formed power seems to be flowing towards my hand holding the torch. In the next second, I hear the crackling of fire resonate the cave followed by a loud roar. the torch in my hand lights up with fire, lighting up the cave and casting shadows all over the place.

In those numerous unshaped shadows, the basilisk's stands out the most. 

It's behind me.

With my eyes closed, I turn around, flinging the now lit torch on its face. It roars with pains and I sense it back off and descend in the water. I want to open my eyes and see the creature but I cannot risk seeing it straight in the eyes. I will die if I do so.

With my eyes averted from the creature, I pump my legs and run as fast as I can around the lake. My muscles are frozen and crying in pain due to the cold water but I pump my legs fast constituting all the energy I have in my body. Another roar resonates throughout the walls of this cave, its pitch softened by the cold water.

As I run, I hear the water break beside me and the basilisk appears, rising high and casting its shadow on me. The flame in my torch flickers as it continues to rise higher above the water. I want to look at it and see the humongous monster but I don't as I continue to run.

The air thickens and the Basilisk hisses before aiming at me. It smashes its head right at me but I miss it by inches, squinting my eyes close. It colloids on the rocks, breaking it in small pieces that fly at me but my arm flies over my face, shielding it from them.

It's stale and cold breath blows straight on my face as I turn on my heels and blindly run in the opposite direction. It growls angrily behind and I hear it move behind me, its scales scratching angrily against the rocks. I open my eyes and see where I am running while it follows me closely.

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