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*Song above: 7 rings by Ariana Grande (OMG my fav!)



I woke up feeling drunk. I don't remember anything that happened last night except for me getting dressed for my birthday ceremony before going to the pack house and taking the Calentha Oath.

I let out a big yawn as I examine my dress from last night. It's wrinkled because of me sleeping in it. Vesta wakes up along me. She is oddly happy but at the same time sad as if someone has left us. I yawn again and realize that I made it alive through my eighteenth birthday. Let's see how long I'd survive next.

I crawl out of the bed and take a shower. Surprisingly, my pale blue eyes have some color in them today. They look vibrant and fresh, unlike other days. For the first time, my eyes aren't red and I look... presentable?

I don't know why and how these changes happend. Maybe it's because of Vesta. Who knows? I finish showering and dress up before heading downstairs for breakfast. Several cheerful voices echo in the dining room as I step off the last stair and head towards it.

I find that the Beta family has also joined us for breakfast along with Seth who is busy playing love-dovely with Grace. I roll my eyes at them as I sit beside dad who looks annoyed for the same reason. The cook instantly pours me a cup of coffee.

Everyone on the table is happily chattering while I am silently sipping on my coffee, listening to them. I bite back the urge to throw up whenever I see Seth and Grace looking at each other lovingly. To be honest, it seems ... odd. I don't know, maybe that's a personal preference. It's funny how we grew up together and now I am seeing her step into a new life while I am waiting for mine to be finsihed. Anyway, I am happy for them. At least, Grace would be occupied with him and spare me some trouble.

Both my sisters have found their mates. Grace's mate is with her while Phoebe's mate has gone to another pack for training. Her mate is the son of the head warrior of our pack who'll take over his father's position when Phoebe steps up as the Alpha. In just three months Phoebe will step up as the Alpha when she'll turn twenty-one. Previously when Alpha wolves turned eighteen, they used to take over the position but the werewolf council changed the age to twenty-one years recently.

Phoebe will become the Alpha, Grace will become the Beta female and me? Well, I don't know what will happen to me. Maybe, I'll die before that. Who knows? I might be cold in my grave. 

After breakfast, I go to the school where the usual things happen. I get thrown out of the class, get yelled at and the usual stuff. Everyone is congratulating Grace on finding her mate. The whole day passes in a blur and finally, school is over. I start walking home but stop in the front of the road that leads to the Forbidden Ruins.

That's when I remember about Arles. I have completed two of his tasks. He must be coming back with the third task soon. I don't want him to come back. He's such an obnoxious, ignorant and arrogant god who deserves a flying kick in his balls. Surprisingly, Vesta stirs at the thought of him and a strange feeling bubbles inside me.

I need some alcohol, I think to myself as I proceed to go home. I'll sneak out tonight and go to the local pub. Maybe the alcohol will help me shake off these weird feeling inside me. 

I reach home and soon as I step inside, I regret coming home in the first place. Grace and Seth are sucking each other's face on the living room couch.

"Geez, get a room!" I say while fighting back the urge to throw up.

"Geez, get a mate!" Grace says mimicking my tone after pulling back from him. Both of them smirk at me before continuing to suck each other's face. Vesta howls in pain while my heart aches. I grind my teeth in rage before fleeing upstairs.

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