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*Song above: Sam Airey- Stars

A/n> thank you for all the votes for my book in The Fiction Awards. You guys are amazing!! <3



We fought as the emblem shrank smaller and smaller. Giving me a rusted armor and shield wasn't a good idea for Ishtar because they decreased the sharpness of her sword. Clashing against my blunt sword made her sword loose more of its sharpness while mine lost its bluntness.

As time is passing, she is getting more and more restless and breaking more and more rules. I pushed her out of the emblem several times but she did not lose more of her armor while I have lost everything that I had in the name of protection.

Many small cuts cover my body in numerous places. The pain from the wound she gave me in my abdomen is still there. There's something in her sword which is delaying the healing process. I am tempted to abandon the sword and use Oculus Reaper. It'd be way easier for me if I use my enchanted whip rather than the crappy sword as I am well trained in it but I can't. I have to stick with the rules. I have to fight this dual with the weapon that had been given to me. I cannot choose one of my own.

Ishtar can cheat but I won't because I am not her. I'd rather lose than cheat and have fake victory. She may or may not have it but I certainly do have some dignity.

As she tries to hit me again, I bring my sword up and they clash. The sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the courtroom. Suddenly, a loud thundering sound shakes the ground beneath us. The chandelier that had been hanging above us is violently swinging like a pendulum.

A look of confusion crosses over Ishtar's face before she gives me a pointed look and says, "Seems like your mate is here," This makes Vesta stir inside me and the pain that I had somehow forgotten while fighting with Ishtar had now come back. The light of the courtroom suddenly dims as another thundering sound cuts through the silence of the place.

Why is he here? And how did he know that I came here? Thoughts about him flood my mind and suddenly, I am not standing in the courtroom of Ishtar's palace. I am back in the grave, standing by the well.

"So this is where you've been coming all this time?" His deep voice rumbles, making me look at him. He's standing there, looking at me haughtily. He seems cold and distance.

"Yes," I answer, unlike last time as I step in front of him.

"You're no god. Just a self-obsessed, obnoxious, unworthy, mortal man who called himself a god," He speaks sternly. The tone of his voice sounds cold and distant. I step closer to him regardless of the amount of energy radiating off him. The air around us is buzzing, charged with so much tension. I want to break this. I want to mend everything.

"You don't deserve to be called a god! You don't deserve anything!" He continues to quote me while watching me like a predator as I eat the distance between us. I stop when I am standing so close to him that our toes are touching. He's looking down at me with empty eyes but I know there are so many things going on behind them. I want to let everything out. I want to tell him everything. It may be too late but I want to give us a chance for the last time. Just once, I want us to be real mates. No running away, no hiding, no hurting, no lying to each other. I want us to love each other once, even if it's fake. Even if it's just because of the bond. I want to love him and be loved by him.

Just once...

I find myself rising on toes while I rest my hands on his chest. My hands travel up to clutch his cloak near his neck and pull him down.

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