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*Song above: Camila Cabello - I Have Questions 



"I am not meant for this," I say out loud, as I sit in front of the mirror and comb my waist long hair. Archander is sitting on the bed behind me, studying me pensively. He nods at me thoughtfully.

"No, you're not. You're meant for something great." He says, his eyes are fixed at the back of my head while he's lost in the depth of his thoughts. I sigh before continuing to comb my hair.

Today's the day.

Today Phoebe is turning twenty-one and hence she's taking over the Alpha position from dad. I'll be taking over the post of pack representative, although they won't let me fully exercise my power in the post until I am twenty-one. But still, I'll be working with the previous pack representative, Mr. Douglas and training under him as well.

I've started my training already. They teach me about everything from political and geographical situations of all the nearby packs and the strongest packs in the continent. I am being trained to fight like a warrior as well. Although I have been fighting since a young age, it's not really a matter for me.

I have mastered in many martial arts along with my whip, Oculus Reaper. Dad has designed a schedule for me that keeps me busy all day and night. But the core target of the schedule was to keep me under the radar. He knows where I am and what I am doing. I haven't had got much time for myself. I am so tired by the end of the day that I crash on the bed like a dead plank and pass out.

I haven't been to the ruins since the night when I found Archander. Arles never came back with the third task and I am not complaining about it. In fact, I am quite happy that he didn't and I pray to the goddess that we never meet again. Ever.

Sometimes I get nightmares about him. His dark and tall hooded figure peeking through my window or following me into the dark and deserted forests. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night screaming. Archander tried to ask me countless times about my nightmares but I just don't know the words to describe my fears meticulously.

"You'll be good." He assures me, still lost into deep thoughts.

I finish brushing my hair and take a look at my reflection in the mirror for the last time before I head downstairs. The house is empty signaling that everyone is already gone where the Ceremony is going to take place.

I put on my fur coat before stepping outside in the snowy weather. I head towards the pack house which is already crowded with pack people and guests from the nearby packs. As I step amongst the crowd and go deeper into the pack house, I find the council members standing by the stage where Phoebe is standing with her mate joined by Beta Seth and Grace. Mom and dad are talking with the council members when I step beside them.

Dad introduces me to them and after some formalities and introductions, he steps on the stage followed by us. The chatter around the house dies and everyone turns their attention towards us. I feel a bit self-conscious and nervous. After all, it's a great responsibility. I feel Archander step behind me, his hot breath blowing down my neck.

"Stand straight. Chin up. Just like that night." He whispers behind me and I do as he says.

"Perfect." A smile takes over my lips at his words.

I can do this.

The council members step forwards and start reciting the history and contribution of this Pack in the werewolf society. Dad steps forward with mom before delivering a speech about his experience as the Alpha of this pack along with his long term vision. He introduces Phoebe next, who steps forward.

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