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"Why am I here?" She speaks, breaking the silence. She sounds stern. There's no hint of emotion in her voice but I can sense a turmoil going on inside her and I'd have been able to tell properly how she is feeling right now had the bond been there but it's gone. She ended it and it angers me but I keep what's mine. What's mine once will always be mine. She might not know this but she'll find out about it soon.

"Because you're still mine," I growl at her, clenching my fists on the arms of the chair. Her gaze hardens on me and I see her clench the sheets.

"I broke the bond!" She says through her clenched teeth.

"I don't care," I tell her calmly while there is a storm brewing inside me. It's so strong and violent; it's capable of swallowing both of us. As the dim moonlight casts through the window in my bedroom and falls on her, I fight back the urge to jump at her and have my way with her. She looks so beautiful and... inviting. She is mine. I should have had her long ago but I will be careful this time and not rob her of her choices.

"I don't care too," She growls as she flips the sheets away from her and tries to climb down the bed but I have made sure that she won't be able to escape me this time. I watch her as he makes her way towards the door but when she finds it locked, she turns around and glares at me.

I sit calmly on my chair and just look at her. Everything about her. How she talks, how she moves... how her midnight black wavy hair descends down to her waist but some of it collects just over her shoulders. It reminds me of a waterfall. The curves of her body, I can't help but imagine myself tracing them with my rough hands. My chest floods with desire. I find myself clenching my fists harder, fighting back the urge to just have her.

Her essence... it calls me. Still.

I can't let her go. I won't let her go.

She proved me wrong. She changed everything.

"Let me go!" She growls while crossing her arms on her chest while her eyes darken. I am sitting back in my chair, waiting for the perfect opportunity to have her.

"Never," I won't let her go. Not after when she broke the bond and I realized that I still love her... she made me realize that I am capable of loving and... being loved even without the bond. The bond and my mark from her neck are gone but I still felt the sparks when I touched her back at Ishtar's place.

I don't know why or how but I know that those sparks surely mean something. Those sparks were stronger than ever and it made Rey stir inside me in a way he never did before. I know that she felt them too but why is she here trying to run away from me again?

She is so confusing. I want her so much already. I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back for much longer.



His words have my heart racing a thousand miles per hour but I am doing my best to hide it. It's taking everything in me to not act on my feelings. The sight of him is not helping in any way. The way he is looking as he sits there shirtless. His possessive gaze sweeps over me. He looks like a true king even after sitting on a mere chair and the thought that he still claims me as his, has my insides melting. I feel more attracted to him than ever.

My stomach tightens and desire fills in my chest. He slowly stands up and slowly stalks towards me like a predator. I don't move as he stands in front of me, our toes are touching. I focus my eyes on his neck before he lifts my chin to make me look him in the eyes.

"I still want you..." His voice comes out like a chime of the wind in a cold, dark night. It sounds so musical. It's what makes the butterflies in my stomach flap their wings so hard that they rage a storm of feelings inside me.

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