Bonus Scene: Arles + Nefret | Part II

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"You said you were going to check on the boys," He growled at me lowly after locking us in an empty public restroom. He had given the mortal man a fright before hauling me to the restroom through the crowds.

I was somewhat embarrassed about the situation but a part of me was oddly turned on. I could feel the power radiating off him. His eyes blazed with so much possessiveness. It was making me needier.

I should be scared instead because he had caught me sneaking out when I was supposed to be at work. To top that off, he had caught me with a mortal man!

He could give me hell for it but tonight I felt like pushing his buttons and crossing him. I had crossed him once in the past and we turned out to be mates.

I wondered what would happen if I cross him again.

"Well, I was checking on some boys," I smirked at him. At this, his eyes darkened considerably. I could feel him getting angrier on me. The possessiveness in his eyes increased furthermore. If he could mark me again, I guess he would have done it already.

I didn't miss how the muscle in his jaw ticked. He was mad at me and I was finding it hard to not get turned on by this. What was wrong with me?

Was I going into heat again? No, it couldn't be. He would have felt it too and he wouldn't have brought us here then.

He clenched his fists as his eyes descended down to my body. The black in his pupils bled out and covered the whites. I could feel the heat in his eyes as he took in my curves which were generally hidden by the dresses which I wore back in Zaeris.

Lust blazed in his eyes when his eyes rested on my bosom. The deep V framed my cleavage beautifully. The pendant that I purchased among the jewelry disappeared into my cleavage. I knew the sight was turning him on but at the same time, he was mad angry at me.

"Tell me, Nefret," He drew out lowly, "Why are you dressed like this and what were you planning to do with that mortal?" He demanded while he stepped closer to me. His deep voice made my heart stutter and my stomach clench.

He took another step closer to me while I leaned back against the wall. He looked menacing, almost ready to kill. I should be scared and thinking about running but my body was getting hotter.

I couldn't help but check him out too.

He was in his usual black cloak. Underneath it was his usual classic shirt and a pair of trousers. His curly hair was messed up as if he had been running his hands through it multiple times. My hands ached to touch his hair... to touch him.

There was nothing special about the way he was dressed but still, I felt my southern lips growing wet with every passing moment.

He was angry and I was very much turned on. I knew that he could feel me through the bond.

"How do I look?" I asked him instead. I tugged a long strand of hair behind my ear while I peered at him through my eyelashes. His jaw was clenched and he looked stern.

"Answer me, Nefret," He demanded instead. There was just so much anger in him, I wondered what would happen if I manage to turn it into sexual tension.

Wouldn't it feel amazing if he could fuck me with the same level of passion as that of his current anger? It would be something different and amazing.

"Arles," I breathed as I placed my hand on his chest while I continued to peer at him through my eyelashes. I was aware that he could smell my arousal.

He was trying his best to be in control and have a productive conversation with me but the sexual haze was too high to not notice.

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