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"Does Arles know about it?" I ask him. He shakes his head, too engrossed into the book of witches that I found for him.

"But why? This can help-"

"No, Nefret. Whatever I see, past or future, we cannot alter it, trust me. Even if we do, there are consequences," His voice is barely audible.

"Have you ever tried to change the future?" I asked staring at him while he keeps his eyes glued to the book.

"Countless times..." He trails off.

"What happened?"

"I drowned deeper into this curse," He whispers. His voice is latched with so many emotions that it breaks at some point.

"So, it's a curse?"

"Yes," His tone of voice and body language tells me that he doesn't want to discuss this. I decide to leave him alone. As I stand up and head towards the staircase, he calls for me.

"Please don't tell anyone," He pleads.

"I won't, Haestus," I assure him before I climb downstairs into the main library and find Armelius waiting with a stack of books.

"These will give you a basic idea about this place," He says as he hands me the books. I almost collapse under the weight of so many books.

"We're done for today," He says before he leaves.


I put the books on the table in the room outside my bedroom before I collapse on the couch. I have a lot to know. I wish somehow I could find out a way out of this place. I'd be gone even before Arles could say 'mate'.

My stomach growls dismissively at the sight of so much information to be devoured. I didn't eat breakfast properly so I decided to go to the kitchen and grab something to eat.

The head cook greets me as soon as I enter the kitchen. He is an old and kind man. I asked for some snacks and he warmly smiled at me before ushering me back to my room. I was confused but soon found loads of things being delivered to my room.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I look at the huge basket loaded with so much food. Did they really think I am going to eat this much?

I shrug before picking up the pineapple pastry which happened to catch my eye first. I remember having it with Archander yesterday.

I look at the books while munching on the pastry. Where to start from? There are books on how the whole council works, the geographical situation of Zaeris, Economic and diplomatic relations and several other books on trade, infrastructure, and relations.

My attention is caught by a history book. I pick it up and head to the bedroom. I sit before the window before opening the book before me. The book is quite old, just like the information it promises to feed me.

The pages of the book are delicate and old. They have rusted brown yet the words inked on them are legible and clear. I see some pictures of an unknown man wearing a crown and sitting on the throne while looking down at the reader regally. The caption read King Aurelio the third, who ruled Zaeris for almost 30 years.

I skip the history and lineage of Aurelio the third. I try to read about Aurelio but the text seems too vague and boring, I lost interest after reading a page. I flip through the pages mindlessly while trying to find something interesting to read when my eyes fall on a family tree.

If Aurelio ruled Zaeris before then Arles must be related to him. My eyes trail down to the bottom of the family tree to find his name. Aurelio married Brida and they had a son named Zair. The lineage ends at Zair. Arles is nowhere here... wait, what?

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