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*Song above: Two steps from hell- victory



Being so close to him, I feel so cold and scared. It's as if he's made of ice and the dangerous amount of energy oozing off him isn't labelling him as friendly either.

"Your first task is..." He trails off. Silence follows his words and only the haunting sound of the twists and turns of the wind against my window could be heard.

"You have to come with me in order to know your first task." He says and I could only shiver thinking of which hellhole he'd take me.

"Now." He snaps and I get up from my bed and walk into my closet to get my warmest jacket. I chose the one with black fur and ensure that Oculus Carver is wrapped securely around my arm so that I could use it whenever I am in need. I walk out of my closet to find him standing by my window.

He stands tall, his hood is shadowing majority of his face. There's this haunting and regal air about his presence that rakes my inside. It causes havoc to my senses and my mind seems to be in a rampage.

What did I get myself into?

What am I going to do if I don't manage to complete the tasks?

They told my parents that I am going to die young. If that's so then I want it soon. I want it before my 18th birthday. I put on my boots and see him open the window and jump out gracefully with his huge figure. I follow him and soon, I am standing by him on the snow in the dead of the night.

It's windy and snowing heavily. I see snowflakes sticking to the fur on my coat and soon, a white layer of snow is formed on my black fur coat. A chill runs down my spine not because of the coldness but due to imagining all the dreadful things that he could tell me to do.

He starts walking towards the forest and I follow him. It's really dark in the forest for my werewolf sight to see anything. Fog and snow clouds my sight and my breath come out as white clouds in front of my face. Its freezing cold tonight but I have my warmest jacket. My jacket could save me from freezing but I am afraid that it won't be able to save me from my terrible fate.

While walking, I try to mentally devise a plan to run away but deep down, I know that it will be useless. I cannot run away from him. I cannot hide from him. He'll always find me like he did tonight. He seems to be having the same thoughts because I see him turn his head back to make sure I am following him.

"You know the caves of Zesux?" He asks while walking. At the mention of those caves, I stop on my track. Is he going to send me there?

"What happened?" He asks when he senses that I have stopped walking. He stops walking and turns around to look at me. The side of his lips curls up and I gulp audibly.

He's going to send me there.

"Scared? Don't want to go there?" He asks huskily while stepping toward me. I stand there and mentally calculate all the possibilities of me walking out alive of those caves.

The caves of Zesux are considered the most dangerous caves. It's said to be on of the portals to hell which is guarded by a basilisk named Zesux. It is a serpent-like creature with the head of a rooster. It is capable of causing death with just its stare and is incredibly venomous.

He tilts his head to a side and I see his lips curl into a sly smirk as if he knows what I am thinking.

"I want the Basilisk's eyes." He says and I feel my heart stop beating in my chest. My whole body shakes as he throws his head back and chuckles at me. I step back, trying to run away and he instantly growls at me.

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