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"Did you see any advancement from Ishtar's side?" I ask Lyco Suilius and Haestus who've been keeping tracks on her. Ishtar has been moving hell and heaven to get back at me lately. She wants to hurt my Nefret. The good thing is Nefret is with me now, safe but this is not stopping her.

She has tried to get into my kingdom countless times ever since I bought my Nefret here.

"As usual, she is trying to breach the southern Border or navigate through underwater from the western side." Lyco Suilius answers and I nod as I look down at the food on the plate. We're having dinner currently and Nefret is not sitting beside me. She is in her room where she likes to be most of the time.

I know that she has been avoiding me. I wanted to talk to her and spend some time with her lately but I have been busy blocking Ishtar from my territory. And Ishtar is not the only headache for me. There are others who want to hurt me through my Nefret.

Rey has been constantly pacing inside me. He wants to see Nefret so badly. It's been almost a week since we saw her. I have been out for five days and the other two days she plainly ignored me. My ministers are slowly accepting her and she is also comfortable between them which is good.

"Why is she trying so hard? She could just break the bond between you two with a curse," Haestus ponders.

"It won't work now. I have marked her wolf," I tell him and he nods. Even if the bonds get broken, I will still continue to love my Nefret. I couldn't feel grateful enough that I got her. I'll do everything to protect her and cherish her for as long as I exist.

Everyone on the table is deep in thoughts. It's been a long time since a female ever stepped over my land. I believe she could change everything here but for now, I must protect her because she is a tool for Ishtar to hurt me. I want to talk to Nefret about this and tell her about Ishtar but she couldn't stand to hold a proper conversation with me.

After dinner, I head to my study room in my wing. After looking at some reports and letters from correspondents, I retire to my bedroom. It's a little after midnight when I find myself standing in front of her room.

I want to see her.

I enter her room silently. It's dark but my eyes fall on the painting of Luna hanging on the wall of the sitting room. Her silver eyes are looking at me. Those eyes, the way they look at me, it haunts me. It reminds me of the past. It reminds me of what I have been and what I really am. It reminds me of what I have become.

"Luna..." Her name slips off my mouth. Guilt and disgust fill me. She is the first person whom I killed. I killed the very person who gifted me my first breaths.

I look away and head towards her bedroom. I find her curled up into a ball in the middle of her bed. The moonlight is sneaking inside her room through the enchanted window. I sit on her bed before leaning forward to reach her.

There's a deep frown covering her face and the sheets have ridden down. Beads of sweat cover her face and forehead and strands of her midnight black hair are plastered over her forehead.

"Nefret..." I whisper as I caress her cheek, running the back of my hand gently over her skin. Small sparks dance over my skin as I do so. She lets out a half moan and a half groan sound. I feel Rey come to the surface. He wants to hold her so badly.

"Neffie..." I whisper gently against her ear, running my fingers through her midnight black hair that's spewed all over the pillow. She tries to roll over but I snake my arms around her and pull her closer to me instead.

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