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*Song above: Cool Girl by Tove Lo (Mah fav!) 


"I am the queen," I say, my voice echoes throughout the ruins as my lips curl into a smirk. Vesta howls inside me in approval. Power, that's what I want. I want to be powerful.

"Indeed you are." A voice boomS throughout the place and I freeze. Footsteps echo throughout the walls before I see a figure step out of the shadows. I narrow my eyes at the figure. It's tall and wearing a hood like Arles but it's not Arles. I don't feel the surge of power radiating off him that I feel with Arles.

"Who're you?" I demand. I am surprised by the tone of my voice which sounds extremely strong and powerful. I see the figure step in front of me before lifting his hood to reveal a breathtaking face. He has dark skin. His eyes are brown while his hair is jet black. His lips are full and his face is well carved. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, I cannot decide.

"Another well-wisher of yours." He says with a smirk while his eyes are trained on mine. He maintains the eye contact with me; his eyes never drove down to my naked body. I bite back the urge to roll my eyes at his words. 

Well-wisher my foot.

"What are you doing on the lands of this pack?" I demand, not moving from the throne. I cross my legs and look down at him sternly. The smirk disappears from his lips.

"I am assigned to guard my queen. I am doing just that." He says shrugging. I growl at his words. None of his words are making sense to me and I am tired with people appearing in my life out of nowhere and give me hard tasks to complete or talk to me in puzzles.

"I will ask you again. Who are you and why are you here?" I growl demandingly while glaring down at him. He lowers his eyes and bows his head down before speaking.

"I am Archander, your personal guard, your highness." He speaks, keeping his head bowed before me with respect. This confuses me even more. Who exactly is he and what does he mean by your personal guard? I am capable of looking after myself. I need no guard.

But the big question is why he is my guard and who assigned him as my guard? Is it dad?

"Who assigned you as my guard?"

"I cannot answer that question, your highness."

"Why not!"

"For your own safety."

"Why are you calling me your highness?"

"Because you're our queen?"


"Stop messing with me."

"I am not messing with you."

"Get lost!"

"Sorry, cannot do that. Now if you must, I shall guide you home. It's pretty late and he won't be pleased if he comes to know that you're-"

"Who're you talking about?

"Another of your well-wisher-"

"I'll strangle you to death."

"I won't die if you do-"

"Uuugghhhhhh, shut up, already!" I hiss and his chuckle resonates throughout the walls of the ruins. He takes off his black cloak before climbing up the stairs to the throne where I am sitting. His eyes are lowered as he nears me with the cloak in his extended hands.

"Please put this on before I guide you home." He speaks. I grunt before snatching the cloak from his hands and wrapping it around me. After I am covered, he raises his eyes and looks down at me.

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