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This chapter was preweritten so I decided to give you all a treat ;)


"What was that?" Phoebe asks, glaring at me, breathing fire. Right after the conversation with the Head of the Council Members, she dragged me into her office before excusing ourselves from the people in the meeting.

"What was what?" I ask, trying to sound innocent. She growls at me and her eyes darken. Her wolf is at the surface and I feel Vesta surfacing too. She is done with others suppressing her. She wants to rise and show everyone what she is capable of.

"You challenged my Alpha title!" She growls. Her voice is deep and guttural. It's definitely her wolf on the surface. I open my mouth to speak, that's when the door blows open and dad enters the room.

"What just happened?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest and looking at both of us sternly.

"SHE CHALLENGED MY ALPHA TITLE IN FRONT OF ALL THOSE ALPHAS!" Phoebe bellows, pointing her finger accusingly at me. Her eyes are bleeding black and her canines are exposed. Vesta is furious about her accusation and so am I. I didn't do such a thing! I didn't even say the word alpha to start with.

My blood is boiling. How dare she accuse me like that! I am about to lunge at Phoebe but I feel being pulled back by my arm. I turn around to find dad glaring down at me. His eyes are bleeding black as well and there's this feral look on his face that says he isn't pleased with my action.

"I did not expect this from you!" He growls. I could feel his claws coming out and digging into my arm before blood trails down.

"I di-"

"YOU CROSSED THE LINE, NEFRET!" He bellows and Vesta is mad. She wants to be let out and do some serious harm to them but I can't do that. They're my family. My own blood. I cannot hurt them, not physically. I have to make them understand that I did no such thing. I don't want the Alpha title. In fact, I never wanted to be the Alpha.

"Dad, please listen. I di-" I am interrupted by a thundering growl from him. His claws dig deeper into my arm. The air around the room has thickened. It's buzzing with tension like a live wire. It's getting harder for me to breathe every moment. My head is throbbing and there's this adrenaline rush in me that's overpowering my senses.

"I WILL BANISH YOU!" Phoebe growls at me and now Vesta wants to take control badly. She's fighting me to let her to the surface and I am doing all in me to keep her inside. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Everyone's attention is diverted for the moment. Dad let's go of my arm which is now bleeding badly.

"I'll deal with you tomorrow when everything is over. Till then, stay in your room and don't come out." He growls lowly and I nod weekly before heading towards the door and opening it. The Head of the Council member is here. He offers me a warm smile as soon as he sees me. I smile at him too before excusing myself and leaving the office silently.

Next, I rush to my room and enter it before shutting the door behind me. Vesta is still fighting me to let her out but I can't do that. A lump is building in my throat and there's this intense pain in my chest that's crushing my insides. The high tides of pain are washing over the ruins inside me.

I step out of my shoes and collapse on my bed. What happens next surprises me.

I start crying.

Not the internal and dry crying that I've been doing for years. I am crying for real. Tears are streaming down my face endlessly. It's surprising how this barren land has managed to bleed water after all these years. I thought I lost the ability to cry. I thought that I lost the ability to let my emotions out. I thought I had control over me. I thought I mastered to keep my pain buried inside me. I thought many things. But I never thought that they will do this to me.

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