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Feeling overwhelmed by so many eyes on me, I find myself stepping closer to him. I have always been worst at handling such situations. Having the spotlight on me makes me feel self-conscious.

I feel Arles place his hand at my lower back before leading me inside the room. This place is huge and well lit. There's a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Red royal flags hang from the ceiling as well. A wolf and a crescent moon have been painted on the flags by gold that shines when light falls on it, making the wolf and the moon more prominent.

A huge table is resting at the center of the room laden with food and cutlery. Everyone stands up from their chairs as we step deeper into the room. Numerous statues line the walls on either side accompanied by paintings and tinted windows that reflect light.

There's a small orchestra at the corner of the room, who've stopped playing as soon as we stepped inside.

Several servants are standing by the end of the room, ready to help with the servings. They lower their eyes as we reach the end of the room. At the head of the table sits two chairs that are somewhat bigger than the other. It doesn't take me long to realize that I'd be sitting on one of those chairs.

I feel everyone's eyes on me rather than on Arles whom everyone seems to be ignoring. I notice that there are only men in this room. No she-wolf is here. Why?

Arles pulls the chair for me to sit. My eyes fall on Armelius as I take my seat. He looks at me coldly before diverting his eyes to Arles. I spot Archander and Haestus as well. Both of them flash me a smile while I nod at them. Arles motions everyone to sit while he keeps standing.

"Good evening, the immortals of Zaeris. This evening is unlike any other because we've been graced by the presence of our future queen!" As soon as he finishes speaking, the whole room roars up with cheers. The faces cheering for me look dull and dead except for Archander and Haestus.

"To the queen!" Arles raises his glass in the air while he looks down at me.

"TO THE QUEEN!" Everyone echoes him, raising their glasses. I don't know what to do so I nod lightly.

"I'd like you all to introduce yourselves to your queen," Arles says as he takes a seat beside me. I see Haestus rise from his seat and bow before speaking, "I am Heastus, the second in command. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

Haestus takes his seat after speaking. Archander rises next and speaks," I am Archander, the third in command. I swear my loyalty to the throne," He takes his seat after speaking.

One by one, all the fourteen ministers stand up and introduce themselves.

"I am Firminus, Minister of State in the Ministry of Administration. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Philto, Minister of State in the Ministry of Law, Order, and Justice. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Pius Capito, Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Stasimus, the representative of the Kingdome of immortal wolves, Zaeris. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Isidorus, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Supernatural matters. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Mulier, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and economy. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

"I am Cylindrus, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Welfare. I swear my loyalty to the throne,"

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