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I wake up with a start when I feel a searing pain on my neck. It's burning me from inside, making me want to claw the skin out of the place. I groan when the pain increases when I try to move.

My eyes flutter open. My vision is blurry. I blink a couple of times before my vision clears and I find myself in a familiar room. His room.

I sit up weakly before my hand shoots up to the pain in my neck. A gasp leaves my lips as soon as my hand makes contact with the mark on my neck and intense sparks sting my skin.

He marked me!

He marked me without my consent. If I thought that him stealing me and bringing me to his room while I was asleep was humiliating then I was wrong. I feel as if I have been used. He didn't ask me whether I'd like to get marked or not. The mark feels so wrong.

I slowly crawl out of his bed and stand in front of the huge mirror in his room. The mark is deep and dark and it... hurts. He sunk his canines deeper than necessary. Although it has healed on the surface, the wound is fresh and painful inside.

A tear escapes my eyes and trails down my cheek, leaving a wet path behind when I finally recall all the events prior to the marking. I went back and... they're all dead. They're long gone. What's hurting me more is that I didn't get to talk with them properly for the last time. They were my family and now... they're gone.

No one ever told me that time passes very slowly here. I have been gone for merely a week but so many things have happened back there. What breaks my heart the most is that when the new Alpha told me that Phoebe had only one sister. Did they really erase me from the family? When did I stop existing for them? Was I really that big of a disappointment that they didn't care to mention my existence to the coming generation?

A lump is building in my throat. Vesta is watching me silently. She never really had any attachment to my family so it's not affecting her much. She is quite happy to be marked by him unlike me. It feels like he has ripped out a part of me.

I feel hollower than ever. I feel emptier. I feel alone. Everything's slipping off my finger yet I can't do anything. It's getting impossible day by day as he continues to push forward. This is the heavy price that I am paying for being paired to him.

I have been engrossed in my thoughts and staring at my reflecting so long that I failed to notice him entering and standing behind me. His reflection in the mirror is staring back at me. His eyes are pitch black as he looks at the mark on my neck with a possessive glint in his eyes.

I have never felt such a tremendous loathing for anyone as I am feeling it for him right now. His nostrils flare as he steps closer. His eyes are so intense and pensive, they can look through me. My chest is heaving up and down as I watch him carefully, guessing his next move.

Vesta is silent and content inside me. Since her animalistic need to be marked by his wolf is complete, she is quite satisfied yet restless because she wants to mark him back. She wants to complete the bond unlike me. I'd rather break it.

I don't know how long we've been staring at each other. It seems minutes stretched into hours. I swallow hard, trying to press all the overwhelming feelings down.

"I hate you," I mutter. My eyes are red and my voice is a mere whisper yet it sounds stern. An evil look spreads across his face as the intensity of his eyes increases.

"I'll make you hate me more," He speaks lowly. His voice is husky yet powerful. It's capable of melting glass. "Tomorrow is your coronation ceremony. You'll be my queen," A growl escapes my lips at his words. A storm is raging inside me. I want to let it out so that it consumes him and destroys him.

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