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I feel a new found confidence and power filling me as I sit up straight and tip my chin high. Vesta is taking charge. She is doing what she always wanted to do.

"I am willing," I tell him sternly while looking him in the eye.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the People of Zaeris and the rest who've been created by the moon goddess, according to their respective laws and customs?" He asks in a high and clear voice. I could hear my heart drumming in my chest and Vesta coming to the surface as she hears each word of the Oath. It feels as if she is waking up from her sleep. Each word seems to rattle her up, feed her more power.

"I solemnly promise to do so," I speak sternly while keeping my head high.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will," I say before handing over the book to the Head Priest. He takes it from me before another priest who is holding a red velvet cushion on which the crown rests, steps beside the Head Priest. I notice a dagger resting by the crown. It happens to catch my attention more than the crown. The handle of the dagger is embedded with jewels but its blade looks sharp enough to cut steel.

The Head Priest takes the crown and holds it in the air above his head for the guests to see. He then turns around to face me before slowly bringing down the crown to place it on my head.

Everything was going perfectly. The crown was about to touch my head when the Head Priest drops it on my lap. I give him a questioning look but his face is blank. He looks frozen. The crown drops to my feet before rolling away. Several gasps are heard behind him.

In the next moment, the Head Priest turns into black sand before collapsing in front of me into a pile of sand. A thundering growl rings just beside me and I look ahead to find Ishtar standing at the door on the other end of the room.

Her fiery eyes are set on me as she steps inside. Arles stands up while other guards near her. A flash of light appears at the wave of her hand and all the guards are thrown across the room. I am surprised to find the guests watching everything silently. All they are missing is a bowl of popcorn for each.

"How did she get in!" Arles growls at the guards who were guarding outside.

"I let myself in. That's how I get in," She says. Her voice is soft. There's no rush in the way she speaks. She eyes me from head to toe. There's an oddly calm air about her that makes it hard to believe that she could be violent.

Arles steps towards her but she puts her hands in the air and gives him an assuring smile.

"Relax... I am here for the ceremony," she says as she smiles at me, her yellow teeth are on display which shines like metal.

"I didn't invite you!" Arles growls at her but she shakes her head.

"I know but to think of it is wrong. After all, I paired you with her. I deserved the first invitation," she speaks casually while looking around at the guests.

"Yes, but I didn't want to spoil this auspicious ceremony by inviting a derogatory woman like you," Arles have now maintained his calm but still there's this edge to his voice that tells otherwise. The guests snicker at Arles' insult while Ishtar's head snaps towards him and the smile drains off her face.

She clenches her teeth while she glares at him. She is losing her calm. She looks at me then at the crown lying by my feet.

"That throne belongs to me!" She roars while I watch her calmly. Vesta is clawing at my chest to let her out so that she could show her who's more capable for the throne.

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