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*Song above: 3 Doors Down- Here Without You



I sigh after stepping outside the room she is staying in.

I have done the easiest part: bringing her to Zaeris. Now, I have to work on the hardest part: get her to be the queen. I know that she'll be the finest queen. Archander told me about her diplomatic skills and leadership traits that were shadowed in her pack. Not only that but she is also a hybrid. I am sure that she got the hybrid genes from her mother, Erika.

I've known Erika for a long time but I never expected her daughter to be my mate. I remember Erika to be a strong she-wolf, a fierce warrior, the Luna of Andrew's pack. My Nefret definitely stole her mother's beauty. Her personality is raw and pure. I know that she is hard to bend. She didn't submit to my power when we didn't know we were mates. By this, I can say she will be a strong queen.

But making her accept the throne is the hardest part. To be the queen, she'll have to accept me as her mate and I know that's the last thing she is willing to do. She hates me. Well, everybody does. I am immune to it but my wolf, Rey has attached himself to her. He expects her to be emotionally warm to us, to gives us something that we've been starved of and denied forever.

Right now, I want Nefret to train as a queen. I will give her some time to get used to it and accept the throne but in this given time, if she doesn't accept the throne then I'll be pushy. Judging by the condition of my people, I should've made her the queen right away but I am giving her time. I have given her five years; a couple of months won't do much difference.

I exit my wing and head towards the library, thinking about a certain person who I think will be able to train my Nefret. After walking through numerous corridors and several turns, I reach the library.

As soon as I enter the library, my eyes find a particular head sprouting with white hair, peeking out from behind a bookshelf.

"Armelius..." I call out. He steps out from behind the shelf and gives me a questioning look while holding some books in his hand.

"She is here," I say sternly and he nods coldly at me before walking to the grand table and placing the books there.

"What do you expect me to do?" He demands coldly while turning his back towards me. His actions anger my wolf but I cannot do anything to him. He is my Royal Advisor and despite his behavior towards me, I respect him because he is a wise man. His pieces of advice saved my kingdom from a lot of troubles.

He doesn't like me but respects me because I am the King. I share the dislike too but we don't act on our dislike because of the respect me have in common for each other.

"I want you to train her," I command while stepping deeper into the library, near the grand table laden with books that sit in the center of the room.

"I am the Royal Advisor, not a governess," He spits while pulling out a chair to sit. He takes a book and starts searching for something.

"You do as your highness demands," I say while taking a seat by him and looking at him sternly. He stops flipping the pages of the book and looks at me with rage in his eyes. His nose flairs with anger and I couldn't help but smirk at him.

"I am bound by the order of your highness," he says before looking away, his hands are clenching the book hard enough to tear it off.



I stare out of the window. I don't know what to do. I want to run away but I can't. I don't know this place well. I don't know where I am at. I don't know what awaits me here.

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