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*Song above: TroyBoi - On My Own (feat. Nefera)


- HER-

"I want your Golden Hind."

Silence follows my words while she continues to look at me passively. She raises an eyebrow at me before scanning me with her piercing eyes.

"You want me to give you my Golden Hind?" She asks tilting her head.

"I want to have your Golden Hind, yes," I say nodding.

"And why shall I give it to you..." She trails off before I see her put the arrow in the bow and point it towards me, "Nefret?"

"Because I will return it to you." I manage to speak clearly with my heart racing in my chest. My head is throbbing and my mouth is dry as a desert.

She keeps the arrow pointed at me while looking down at me pensively. For a moment, I forget to breathe, waiting for her next move. She has all the power to kill me now. It will be all over if she pulls the string.

"You, Nefret..." She continues before lowering her bow, "are impressive." I let out a shaky breath in relief when I see her put down the weapon but I am taken aback by her words.

"A mortal like you killed such a powerful Basilisk. You impressed me with your courage and intelligence. I'll let you have my Golden Hind but..." As she spoke, my heart raced faster in my chest. I can't believe my ears. She continues while circling me again like a predator, "you shall return it to me or the consequences will follow." She warns stepping in front of me, her eyes glimmering with destructible power.

"I will return it." I ensure her without breaking the eye contact. She nods at me before turning around and disappearing in the trees. I stood silently and waited.

Moments passed by when finally, the creature stepped in front of me, its head held high with pride and power.

I neared it before trying my whip around its neck and leading it through the forest. I turn around several times to make sure if it's following me.

I cannot believe that I am leading such a powerful and majestic beast. It grunted a few times behind me and other than that the sound of my breaths and the crunching of snow below my feet floated in the air of the forest.

I lead the Golden Hind towards the ruins. Excitement bubbled inside me the nearer we got to the ruins. I am not far away from completing my second task. If I've managed to complete two tasks then I'd be able to complete the third task too. Maybe after that Arles will leave me alone.

We cross Arles' statue before nearing the ruins. I walk through the now familiar hallways from when Arles chased me here. They're same as before, deserted and covered with thick blankets of dust.

The Hind's foots clicked on the stone ground, echoing through the place along with my footsteps. We crossed the ballroom thence the long corridor which leads to Arles' courtroom.

The humongous doors of Arles' courtroom stood in front of me mightily. Stepping forward, I knocked on it twice before it opened on its own. Its screech echoed in the deserted palace and slowly the courtroom came in our view. As I stepped in, the torches hanging on the walls of either side of the room lit up one by one, the light from the torches drenched the room in light.

He sat on his throne with a regal and lethal air to his presence. Everything seems the same since the first time I ever strolled this deep in the ruins. I walked towards his throne while the Hind followed me.

His hooded head tilted at a side as he examined me from head to top and the Hind walking behind me.

"I've caught the Hind," I say, stepping aside to give him a clear view of the Golden Hind standing behind me. He stands up and steps down from the throne, his eyes heatedly trained on us.

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