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Two days later; 5:00pm.

From Shay:

“i saw you today.”


“you looked nice.”


“how are you?”

Seen: 5:30pm.


To Shay:

“well that doesn’t sound very stalkerish now does it?”

From Shay:

 “ha ha.”

To Shay:

“where did you see me?”

From Shay:

“at starbucks.”

To Shay:

“why didn’t you come say hello to me?”

From Shay:

“didn’t know you even liked coffee… you always used to say people drink coffee to punish themselves.”

To Shay:

“yea well i like coffee now. you haven’t answered my question yet shay.”

Seen 5:45pm.

Later that day my mother asked me how things between Shay and I were going. I answered truthfully and said they were fine. Of course that is every teenage girl’s answer isn’t it?

“I’m fine.”  

Then she has to be a hero and say her next sentence, but there’s really no one to blame but myself. I was the one who said our friendship was fine. I didn’t tell her that we were basically on a roller coaster that was never ending and she knows how much I hate rollercoaster’s.

“I’ve invited the Mathers to come round today for dinner. It feels like forever since we last all met up.” oh hell no.


From Shay:

“so i got an invite to your house today, gonna be fun.”

To Shay:

“i can sense your sarcasm.”

From Shay:

“nah i’m serious, i love hanging out with your parents and brother. like a big family reunion.”

To Shay:


From Shay:

“hey what’s up with you? is it that time…”

To Shay:

“what time?”

From Shay:

“yanno. the niagara falls of blood, satan’s sacrificial waterfall?”


“that sounded better in my head.”

To Shay:

“you don’t understand how much i’m laughing right now.”

From Shay:

“i know it’s bloody hilarious. i bet you’re laughing so much you’re cramping.”

To Shay:

“stop omg.”

From Shay:

“stop ovary-acting.”

Seen 6:18pm.


“didn’t mean to put a damper on your flow”


“sorry love ya”

4am. ♡ #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now