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He was sitting up in his ward bed staring at his phone and I realised that I hadn't texted him back. I think that it's super cute that he waits so patiently for me to reply and it makes me feel guilty that I made him used to wait a lot for a reply when I was distracted with Henry. Of course that's not going to ever happen again now. Long story short, he was one of the worst mistakes of my life and I would regret going out with him forever.

Shay's eyes meet mines when I creep into the room and a happy smile spreads across his face. I made him this happy just by being here. Wow.

"I was just about to text you." Shay tells me, scooting over in his bed in the same old boring hospital clothes that he is forced to wear to stop the spread of bacteria or something. I don't really know why he can't wear his usual ripped jeans and black eminem teeshirt. I perch myself next to him and he wraps one of his covered arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. I take this opportunity to slide his sleeve up and examine his arms.

Red lines are clear on his tanned skin but they were slowly dulling which reassures me that things are getting better for him. I hadn't seen him face to face since the day he woke up from his small coma.

"I'm proud of you." I whisper to him in a small voice and put my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat at it's normal rate.


"Just. You're doing so well. Just hang in there and eventually you'll be discharged and can go back hom-"

"-don't say home because to me it's just a house. A house with people who are strangers to me. They've lied to me all my life and then they're splitting up. I sometimes find it better here. At least here I'm not woken up by the sound of my guardians screaming at each other. Did you know Brian once threatened Katrina that he'll stab her if she wouldn't watch her tone and attitude around him? I've just been thinking about them constantly. I refuse to see them. They have no right to see me anyway. They're not family." Shay tells me in a rushed manner as if he had kept that bottled up for some time now, finally able to talk to someone about his feelings. I'm glad I'm that person.

"They do care about you and love you Shay, they've looked after you well enough for sixteen years of your life, don't let that go to waste. They're the closest you have to family, babe." I sigh. He was being so difficult and I'm scared that in a split second his attitude would change. One second playful then the next he's a twat.

"I know they care. I know, it's just. I wish my life wasn't this messed up. I could take the divorcing may be by itself, I would've happily lived with my apparent mother... but that fact that that woman isn't even my mother? That's what I can't handle. Years of trust and betrayal have gone down the drain because of that secret." Shay tells me clenching his fists at his words and I close my eyes shut, picturing happy things so that maybe he could feel that too.

"Shay. It's going to be okay. Everything is going to work out in the end."

"How can you be so sure?" I open my eyes and tilt my head to the side so I could face his face. His eyes were droopy and puffy and there were clear dark rings around them from the sleep deprivation he was facing. He just needs someone to love. That's all. To break his ice cold heart. The Jack Frost act can't be there forever. One day it'll melt and all would be good again.

"I just can. Because you'll always have me."


He fell asleep with his arms around me and I couldn't find any effort to move him or even myself from this position. I felt more comfortable then I had ever felt in a while; like this is where I was meant to be always. In his arms.

My phone vibrated in my hands as I was trying to fall asleep as quickly as Shay did, a text message from Henry was what showed in the lock screen. I decided that I would have to talk to him soon enough and I couldn't do the immature thing and ignore him forever.


 From Henry:

"hey, are you at home right now?"

To Henry:

"hi, no im not why"

From Henry:

"i had rang your doorbell quite a lot of times but nobody responded despite both your parents cars being in the driveway."

To Henry:

"o i told them to not answer the door if you came around, lol"

From Henry:

"makes sense then. so you still wanna act like that way then?"

To Henry:

"what way"

From Henry:

"the bitch way, the way shay moulded you."

To Henry:

"oh god, why's everything got to be about shay all the god damn time are you like jealous of him or something,?!?!?!?"

From Henry:

"ofc not. like hes nothing compared to me trust me there. im much more intelligent nice kind and loving then he'll ever be, and most importantly rich:)"

To Henry:

"i just snorted, cocky much you prick"

From Henry:

"my grandmother always used to say your true love girlfriend should be the one you want to go home and show off to your parents."

To Henry:

"too bad we've broken up eh"

From Henry:

"what, when? what?"

To Henry:

"now. just dumped you. bye prick."


"say another bad word about my BEST friend and i'll have to rip your balls off and stick it in a blender"

From Henry:

"but, how what why did we just break up i cant even think straight right now too many events are happening at once"


"are you being sarcastic?"


"no, this is a joke i know it is"

To Henry:

"obviously you aren't that smart then because that was certainly not a joke im deadly serious, delete my number and forget about me because that's what I'm doing with you, bye now."

Seen 7:05pm. 

From Unknown:

"fine whatever i dont need you. i could get another girl who is dying to be with me in heartbeat."


"you keep letting yourself get hurt by that monster."

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