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To Shay:

"how's life with Katrina? everything ok?"

Seen 9:07pm.

From Shay:

"thought you'd never text me. thought you'd forgotten about me Lol. It's okay I guess. It's not the same how it was before..."

To Shay:

"i know, i'm sorry:( i wish i could magically make things better for you. you know i would in a heartbeat if i had that power:("

From Shay:

"I know you would, you're so caring like that it's crazy"


"Like why are you so nice?"

To Shay:

"i'm only nice to you tho."

From Shay:

"true, I'm special;)"

To Shay:

"ahaa, onto serious matters tho. if you ever have any sort of 'lowness' i want you to come straight to me. i can't afford to lose you again. ever. you mean far too much to me shay."

From Shay:

"urgh, stop with the guilt. The past is the past, I made my mistakes but I've changed."


"just like Vanessa has."

To Shay:

"you still need to tell me what happened in my bathroom yanno"


"only when you're ready tho:)"

From Shay:

"I'll tell you in school tomorrow okay?"

To Shay:


Seen 9:19pm.



From Shay:

"You still up babe?"

Seen 2:38pm.

To Shay:

"i am now thanks to thag stypid light from my phkne im typung with mh eyes closes yanno"

From Shay:

"I wanna talk about Vanessa."

To Shay:

"gu fr it."

From Shay:

"At first everything was okay, we were talking about her and the courses she's picked. She wants to be a nursery teacher when she's younger as she loves kids. You know I can't stand kids Bells, gosh. Anyway, I was listening to her and then I butt in when I realised why I called."


"I asked her if she liked you."


"She asked me if I liked you."


"I said yes, you're my best friend."


"She asked me if I was sure there was or would be nothing but friendship between us."


"I must've taken too long to think of a response as she then exploded. She told me that you need to keep away from me and I need to keep away from you if I want a relationship with her. She says I need to stop talking to you because I'm a bad influence. We argued and it ended on bad terms. I told her that I loved her and she told me 'me too', and that was it."


"I'm so confused, belly help me."

Seen 3:59pm.

To Shay:

"sorry lol feel asleep ! oh wow, gotta read all them messages.."


"why did you take too long to reply, what did you say in response?"


"urgh, if she loved you she'd say it back properly, you know that."

From Shay:

"It's okay. I'm sorry I'm keeping you up. We have college tomorrow as well :'("


"Yeah, I know that. I just like I let it go because I didn't want her to completely push me away and hate me yanno? I want her back in my life more then anything."

To Shay:

"hm. it's hard to give advice to you because you've basically never allowed me to be in relationship."



From Shay:

"Cuz I don't want you getting hurt."



To Shay:

"whatever, you didn't answer my question about you not replying to potato quickly enough about me?"

From Shay:

"I'm tired, gnight Bells. Love ya."

Seen 4:11pm.

4am. ♡ #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now