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[second last chapter guys]

 But one month turned into two months and two months turned to four months, and that just turned into nine months soon enough. I hadn't heard from or spoken to Shay in nine freaking months.

I don't blame him though, how can he contact me if I've blocked him and deactivated things?

At the time it felt like a wise move. Now it feels pathetic. I feel as though he's won, that he's coping much better then I am because he hasn't made an effort to come to Scotland. However it was christmas break now, and I was ready to come home for the holidays. I was hoping that my mum and dad'd jobs had both stabilised and my brother had found a way to make himself useful in the house, not be a burden on my parents.

Zara was going down to England to visit her fiancé, Ray. From the Skype call I had been in with her and him, I found out that he's very cocky and sarcastic but also can be quite sweet; especially to Zara. Which would would expect from a fiancé? However, he wasn't as gorgeous as Zara exaggerated. Maybe because my heart was filled with another?

"I'm gonna miss you. Damn, two whole weeks away from each other, how will we cope?" Zara dramatically cried and I laughed alongside the boys. We hugged goodbye and I turned to William.

"Keep smiling babe." He tells me, kissing my forehead and his blue eyes sparkling with happiness. He was actually from Scotland so he was staying here for Christmas. It's would be so magical because it's snowing, but so is back home.

Carlson was last but certainly not least. He doesn't smile but instantly hugs me, "if he hurts you, I'm only like a four hour flight away. I'll break his pretty face." His words were deadly serious and that's what I love the most about my friends.

They care.


The long plane ride was absolutely rubbish especially when we went through this storm. I can't even tell you a number of how many times the guy next to me puked. I have this thing, if I see or hear someone puking, I also puke. I stayed strong for the entire flight, then when my feet hit Canadian soil the vomit all came out that I was holding on to. Oh well.

Welcome home, Isabella.


"HEY ISABELLA RAE." I saw someone jumping up and down in excitement when they saw me with my very large suitcase that was jammed packed with the things I needed in these two weeks. I ran up to them with my bag dragging along after me. My arms embraced around their neck and his arms go around my waist. We hold our position for a good few minutes because we haven't seen each other since I first left. "You've really grown up, I'm proud of you sis." Jai tells me with a happy smile on his face. I feel extremely happy when he tells me this. It feels nice to have my brother proud of me. I know I do have a good brother, he just acts like a twat most of the time.

He does mean well though.

"How are you, mum and dad?" I question him as we head over to his, well borrowed car. It's really my dad's. The time was 3am here, I was shattered from the flight and I was just craving my old bed so very much.

"Just as we were when you left. The big questions are about YOU. How are YOU? Are you having fun all the way across the pond? Have you made friends? What are the classes like?" I laughed, I can just tell I was missed dearly by my older brother. It feels nice to be missed for some weird reason.

"I'll tell you all when we come home."


I was engulfed with hugs and happiness was clear on both of my parent's faces as soon as I walk in through the front door. They looked so relieved to have me home, I know they were reluctant to let me go all the way to Scotland, so far away from them. I knew that Scotland was my dream University though. I had to follow my dreams.

4am. ♡ #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now