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I rushed to the roof as I was told and Ms Mathers was screaming whilst looking over the edge of the building. My breathe hitched and a tears were building up in my eyes as I was shaking with fright, with frustration in myself and fear of what she was looking at. I managed to drag my feet to the edge of the three storey building and grasp hold of her almost wrinkly hand; the sight before almost made me pass out.

Shay was there. His blood that was supposed to be inside his skin, was also there.

Without a second thought, I jumped as well. I thought that that was the quickest way to be next to him- not at all the wisest. The fall wasn't painful, but I knew I had most defiantly sprained an ankle or my leg at the very most. That wasn't my concern.

My hands instantly clutched onto his wrists to feel for a pulse which thankfully was still there. His chest was still moving up and down which was a great reassurance but I couldn't see his honey brown eyes.

Why would he jump?

What had been going on in his head to make him go through this extreme ways?

I decided because I couldn't speak to him without crying my eyes out at his almost lifeless body, I should text him my feelings.



 To Shay:

"dont you dare ever leave my side because you're not only my best friend but you're my sunshine shay, honestly i feel so happy and safe whilst around you when you wake up which you should do soon or else i'm gonna be really angry (and very sad) firstly im gonna hug you so tightly and tell you how much you mean to me which is a massive amount. also if it irritates you so much i will break up with henry seeing as you need happiness in your life right now, whilst i'm fine without. you're my focus, and i'm sorry if you feel left out or whatever but don't you dare ever leave me please. i need you shay. i love you. xx"


4am. ♡ #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now