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"Isabella, wake up! Your phone's ringing!" my older brother, Jai shook me until I stirred in my sleep and seconds later fully woke up. I groaned as he passed me my phone that had the new Fall Out Boy song, Centuries as the ringtone. The time was 4:30, and whoever is ringing me better brace themselves because I'm pretty much pissed off. Jai leaves the room so I have the privacy to answer my call. I yawned before speaking.


"Belllllllllllllie, I'm outside your house right now! Open your window, I'm gonna attempt to climb up that tree and come into your room like in High School Musical!" Shay's voice fully awoke me for some reason. I wasn't expecting it. He's not at all a morning person. How can he be discharged at such early hours?

"Um. Okay." I say groggily, rubbing my eyes with one hand and slowly opening my bedroom window fully to allow Shay to climb through. There was silence on the other side of the line, then I realised he had hung up as he's climbing the tree; boys can't multitask the way girls can.

He engulfs me into his long torso as soon as he climbs into my bedroom. Gosh, he made that climbing thing look so easy. It made me realise that I have to always have my window bolted, or else any sort of assign could come and take me out whilst I'm sleeping! You never know who's good nowadays yanno?

"I. Missed. You. So. Fucking. Much." he kisses my hair and in between each kiss he says a word. I grin at him almost with excitement that he was here, actually here, smiling down at me. ACTUALLY SMILING FULLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AGES.

Thank you Lord for this miracle.

"I missed you too dork, but you gotta realise I need my beauty sleep or else shit goes down in the morning with me and my crankiest." he chuckled and nodded his head, taking me to my bed and also taking his leather jacket off and tosses it carelessly onto arm chair next to my large bookcase, consisting of novels, notebooks and text books. Yeah, so maybe I'm a nerd. Get over it.

"Then get into bed, and I'll join you!" Shay grinned at me as if it was the best idea he's ever had. I though, narrowed my eyes at him. It was weird because he was in my room in his transformers PJ's as I was in one of his old Transformers teeshirts, and shorts that were covered by the teeshirt. That's how tall he is.

"It'll be like a sleepover, as if we were kids again. We used to have a sleep over around each other's house every single weekend, remember?" I nodded my head. Of course I remember, how can I ever forget? It was memories like that which makes me glad to be alive and knowing i have a friend like Shay Mathers.

It was this childish excited full of life shay that I miss. In a split second, I blink and he goes. I just have to hold onto this Shay for as long as humanely possible.

I made no effort to argue as I was incredibly tired, instead I do as he says, climbs into bed and once he's tucked in as well. I cuddle into his chest and almost instantly feel complete.


The next morning, well afternoon when I wake up, Shay was still beside with his arms protectively around my waist to prevent me from leaving him. I smile at him and look over to see what the time was... and let out a panicked scream when I see it. 1:18pm.

How the hell did I sleep that long?! Shay wakes up abruptly eyes scanning the room for danger as an instant reaction.

"What, what happened?!?!" he questions me alarmed.

"The-the time!!" I'm shaking all over because I've always had a perfect record ever since my first day in kindergarden. Never ever had a day off. Always 100% attendance. And here I was, missing more then half of the college's hours by sleeping in.

4am. ♡ #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now