.•Chapter One•.

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"Get back here!" Words vibrated as the bullets shot off the walls, bouncing onto the floor. I ran up to an ally, to reload my gun, as I looked down my black cap, went over my eyes, making it hard to see what I am really doing. The cops' yelling were getting louder, it was really starting to make it irritating. I turned around and ducked, aiming the gun at one of their heads. I fired. Making a run for it. Looking back, as all the cops were crowding around the now dead, lifeless corpse.


"Yah! Jungkook wake up!" The sound of an angry woman could be heard from upstairs. He groaned, placing his hands on his eyes trying to open them up a bit. "Jungkook, if you don't wake up right now, I will tell Jimin about your secret!" She sounded more serious, and it didn't take him 3 seconds to come downstairs. "Finally, now eat your breakfast."

"Morning, pabo." He managed to blurt out, before coughing. The elder looked at him, raising her eyebrow. He noticed the sudden change of her attitude, so he stood up straight, bowing his head. "I'm sorry, I woke up in the wrong side of the bed." He was expecting a slap, or even a good yelling but instead..

She ruffled his hair, laughing while doing so. "Aww, Kookie! Sissy Jennie can't be mad at you! You're too cute." The comment that he was given made him blush a bit. Of course, his sister does it every day, coming up with new compliments, comebacks, and punishments. "Mommy and Daddy aren't coming back for another three months, but don't worry, you'll have me!" She exaggerated, putting her two thumbs in front of her.

After having breakfast, she rushed him upstairs to get changed. The uniform was basically simple; a navy blazer, white shirt, black tie and basically, what I wear, denim jeans. He sat down, tying his shoelaces together, but he was having a little bit of a struggle due to the fact that he might not have time for the bus. He rushed straight to the bathroom. His teeth got brushed, water was splashed on his face, and he just left. His sister was holding his bag at the door. It got snatched away from her.

"Bye Kookie, have a wonderful day back!" She waved. "But don't forget, being a Junior doesn't mean you can push or hurt anyone." He nodded, his understanding that he won't do anything that she has explained. The bus pulled up at the bus stop and he darted right to the bus. "Wow.. He hasn't changed a bit."

As the last two students got on the bus, there were still two empty seats left, right next to eachother. Jungkook rushed onto the bus, finding a seat. He looked at the two empty ones and placed himself in it. He was a bit sad that his friend moved to a different town, but that doesn't mean they didn't go to the same School, just different stops. He looked straight ahead, waiting for the bus to leave. It didn't. Instead, a boy wearing all black walked onto the vehicle. Most people stopped and stared, others didn't care, or they just shut their mouths. 

He sat down on the seat next to me. Of course, he was nervous, a boy he never has seen in his life, wearing all black, just sat right next to him. Gay Panic Mode Activate! Jungkook turned his focus outside the window, admiring the view. The boy just stared down at his phone. 

The bus came to a stop, which was meaning that it was at its destination. The doors opened and students began to leave, but the mysterious boy remained seated. Jungkook began to feel irritated, he wanted to leave so he could see his friends. He thought climbing over he seats were a good idea, but the boy just stood up and began to leave. As soon as the stranger left the bus, Jungkook was keeping his distance from him, from all he knew; He could be dangerous.

He couldn't help but stare at the perfect figure. He kept his eye on him until he was out of sight. His eye caught a carrot haired male. No guessing, his best friend, Jimin. He waved to get his attention, which he caught and started walking over to the other.

"Hey Jimin!" He exclaimed, gripping his bag. "How's your week been?"

"Been great, I guess, just had to deal with my parents arguing." He stated, crossing his arms. His look turned from stern to worried. "K-Kookie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.."

"Aish. Don't worry, I have to survive in my house with my sister." He chuckled.

The School Bell went off, signalling it for time for School. They both realised what the time was before dashing into School; Naruto Style.

"Shit!" They both yelled.

As they both reached the door, they pushed it open and ran to the hall. As they went there, Jungkook saw a familiar person, The bus guy.

He and Jimin sat at a front table and chatted to eachother. He kept staring at the guy, for some reason, he seemed like a dangerous person..

(A/N: First chapter of this story, actually shit, but yeah bare with me. Gormendasai for any Grammar Mistakes, I'm not that confident in my writing, hence why I failed my English Exam.)

~Michi xox

--907 words xx

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