.•Chapter ThirtyThree•.

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Jungkook coughed up more and more blood, as his legs were giving out. His hands couldn't stay on the wall anymore as they felt like jelly. Salty tears were falling from his beautiful, sculpted face.

"I think that's enough playing for today. Your boyfriend is waiting for you at your house, he texted you while we were in the middle of your... Torture."

Now, the man didn't rape Jungkook. As much as he would seem like a twisted person, he wouldn't go all that out. So, beating him up was the only option he had.

"W-why are you doing this to me, what did I ever do to you?" Jungkook stuttered out, turning around to face his attacker. With no response, he decided to continue. "Is it something I did, do you want money, you could have said s-"

"You have both V and Suga, don't you?" The man sneered, crossing his arms with a slight smirk, his large charcoal hat covering his eyes. Seeing a small nod come from Kook, laughter came from his mouth.

"I knew it, I knew you had them both all this time. How much money would you like for both of them?"

Jungkook stopped all movements he had, glaring at the man is disgust. "They're humans, not for sale."

As his attacker was about to talk, distant police sirens were coming closer to the two. Kook felt small when he glared down at him, his heart beating so hard against his chest, he thought he would have passed out.

"This isn't over, we will finally have them both, and there's nothing you can do about it."

As the police finally arrived, Jungkook felt to the ground, on his knees. He felt like his legs were numb.

Kook's eyes were burning, and stinging from crying so much.


"Tae, Jimin, please stop yelling out loud, my poor ears hurt." Jin complained, covering his ears while whimpering. It was bad enough that Jungkook mysteriously went missing, but Taehyung had no memory of what had happened before.

Jimin quickly wrapped his muscular arms around the running boy, instantly paralyzing him from running. He felt bad for hurting his Hyung's ears.

You see, after Jungkook was chasing his precious boyfriend, TaeTae's memory seemed to have, switched off. Resulting him into running to Seokjin's house. He had no ides where Jungkook was, nor did he have any clue about his existence. It seemed like someone was fighting to be in control.

Now, it wasn't V, (which is something you would expect), or Vantae. The young alter had no idea what was happening in that moment, only that he should be alarmed.

"Taetae, is something bothering you?" Jin asked, stroking the aforementioned's arm lightly. He watched as the boy made no sound, except for a simple nod. "Anything you'll like to talk about?" TaeTae's head shook.

The oldest sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get an answer out of the alter, until panic flew up in his mind. How could he forget about Jungkook? The boy he's known for many years! He picked up his phone, desperately calling the younger, tears forming in his eyes.

'Ayo, you reached Kookie. But Jungkookie is not here right now... So I guess that doesn't mean you reached Kookie? But-'

Seokjin pressed the end call button. He didn't want to hear the bunnyboy's long automated message again.

Suddenly, a sharp knock came from the front door, a loud kick on the doorstep, a rusty growl that perfected the stranger's sudden arrival. Jimin's eyes widened in fear and shock, rushing to grab a hold of Taetae. He turned his head around to glare at his Hyung, as if asking what to do.

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