.•Chapter TwentyEight•.

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It was the morning after Taekook cuddled and slept on the younger's bed. Jungkook contemplated if he should move and maybe wake up Tae, or stay and enjoy the warmth he was currently receiving.

While he was thinking, a knock came from the door, but he never got up to answer. More knocking echoed throughout the room, so Kook had enough energy to grog out; "it's open."

The door opened, revealing Yoongi— who looked worn out, his hair was a mess, shirt unravelled, although some buttons were undone. The eyeliner he had applied and eyeshadow was smudged, making the young boy realise what he had done.

"Hyung? I never knew you bottomed." Jungkook asked, trying to lift himself off the bed, without causing Taehyung to stir.

Suga glared at him, allowing his eyes to darken. "Watch it, brat. You better not tell anyone else, I don't want to be made fun off for it." Folding his arms, scowling, the older hissed at him.

"What are you? A cat?" Kook teased, going closer to his Hyung, smirking when he got flustered.

"I-I-" he was cut off by the bed moving, shaking. Yoongi looked past the tall man in front of him and smiled a little. "H-hello Tae..."

The aforementioned smiled and bolted off the bed to engulf his friend into a hug. "Yeah, yeah I missed you too."

The younger's eyes lit up— a sign of happiness. He was excited that his friend was here, but soon looked to the display he was currently showing off. Glaring at his Hyung up and down, Tae's boxy-smile appeared.

Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his jealous from the two males. He knew they weren't together, but he didn't like how they interacted with eachother.

"So, um, shouldn't you be downstairs with the others?" The younger asked, gently grabbing his boyfriends shoulders from behind, pulling them back.

"If I should, shouldn't you also be?" Yoongi retorted, folding his arms with a lazy smirk. "Anyway, Jin and Rosè are making breakfast. I'd hurry if I were you."

Suga descended out the room, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook to stand by the door. The older tilted his head in confusion and turned around to stare at the younger.

"Ah, Jisoo and Jin like to eat a lot— not in a bad way! They just... like the food I guess?" Kook explained, waving his arms around.

Tae nodded his head and grabbed his boyfriend's sleeve. He then pulled him out and rushed down the stairs. Hearing the slight noise of the television, a faint windscreen-wiper laugh was heard, echoing throughout the house.

Namjoon was the first to greet the two boys, a big dimple smile plastered on his face. "Ah, Jungkook. What a nice surprise it is." His voice suddenly turned into a sarcastic tone.

The aforementioned tilted his head before his eyes widened. "Oh, shut up. I had to make up for my mistake- actually, no! Jichu's! It was her fault, not mine!"

Joon only nodded his head before rubbing his tired eyes. It seemed the time was only 7:47– which meant that obviously, nobody who is currently in this household got up that early— unless for school, of course.

While everybody walked to the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table, a sudden knock was heard from the door. Jennie glared at her brother before saying, "I got it!"

Running over to the door, she unlocked it, only to be met with... a blonde-haired boy with a mullet, seems about 5'7, but eyes big, doe, and full of wonder.

"Umm... Can I help you?" Nini asked, an awkward laugh following her way with Jungkook yelling 'who is it?' Jennie didn't know how to answer, seeming if she never met this person herself.

"O-oh... I'm.. Joong..." This boy, Joong spoke, fiddling with his sweater paws. He looked to the right of him, before pulling another boy next to him. "T-this is M-Mingi."

Jennie tilted her head before asking, "So, whatcha doing here? Wait, don't tell me my brother has been bullying you! I swear that little-"

"N-no, I don't go to school..." His voice seemed muffled, lowering his tone as he hid his face within his sweater paws.

Lisa appeared behind her Fiancé and looked just as confused as her. "Would you like to come in? We just had breakfast, but I'm sure I can make you more if you would like."

Nini's eyes widened and gasped. While those two were bickering over god knows what, Joong and Mingi silently walked into the house, holding onto eachother. Their eyes glared at everyone there, until stopping on Jungkook.

Mingi whispered to his friend, "maybe we should tell them..."

"N-no... Boss will kill us..."

"But he's already looking for us."

While they were having a conversation, Kook decided to step in. "Who's looking for you two?" He ignored the shocked expressions they were giving out as a reaction and raised a brow. "I asked you a question."


"Our boss is looking for us because we are meant to kill V and Suga but we ran away- Ow!"

"You dumb idiot, I can't believe you outed us like this!" Joong yelled, facepalming himself, making sure to do it more 'dramatically' for effect.

"So? Does it matter? We weren't going to do it anyway." Mingi retaliated, rubbing his shoulder and wincing in pain.

"You... were going to kill me?" A shallow voice asked from behind them. Goosebumps raised the two boys' arms as they turned around slowly.

"Yoongi, it's fine, they weren't going to do it," Jimin assured, holding onto his lover's waist, preventing him from moving any further.

Mingi backed away a little, only to be knocked into Namjoon, who raised a brow. "He won't hurt you both, as long as you don't get up to any funny business."

Hongjoong nodded and looked down. "Perhaps we should leave now? We gave ourselves away and maybe our boss would love to have us back?" He awkwardly laughed, patting Mingi on the back.

"What's the point?" The other scoffed. "We ran away. We don't have any place to live now cause of it. Also, it's raining and I'm not sure we would survive in the cold like this for a long time."

Everybody heard the conversation going on with the two mysterious males, but Jungkook wasn't going to give in. He had a big heart and couldn't bare to see two teenagers out in the winter like this; even if they had to kill his boyfriend and friend.

"Right..." The boy started, clearing his throat for attention. "You can stay here for the time being." Jennie's eyes widened but listened nevertheless. "BUT! You have to give us information on who your 'boss' is, deal?"




While Jungkook was helping the boys settle in, Taehyung and Yoongi were outside of the house.

"I can't fucking believe he let two strangers in— they could try and kill us in their sleep!" Suga yelled, frustration growing by the second.

Tae only nodded and placed his hand on his Hyung's back.

"And that boy says he cares about you? At this point, I'm starting to doubt it. It's his fault."

Taehyung's eyes started to water and punched Yoongi's chest lightly, his fists doing no damage at all.


"Do you honestly think they're going to help us?" Hongjoong asked, taking in his new surroundings in the guest bedroom. Mingi only nodded. "What if they're planning to kill us themselves?"


sorry i'm taking my time with this, stuff happened but yeah ♥

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