.•Chapter Eleven•.

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This chapter may be kinda short, Sorry ,_,

It was Break, and the seven boys decided to meet in Namjoon's classroom. It was hard to write lyrics for the song, even though Yoongi managed to come up with a name straight away. Taehyung and Jungkook were in their own world, communicating in slight sign language.

"Hyung, what does 'thank you' mean?" Asked Jungkook, who was trying to figure out how to signal it to the other boy. Jimin sighed and raised a brow.

"Jungkook, he can understand you, he just can't talk, remember? Only V can interact." Hoseok explained, glancing at the aformentioned. "Now help us write some lyrics!" Hobi stormed over to Kook and yanked him by the ear.

Jin managed to write the first verse, but couldn't think of anything else to say. Apparently, to write a song about a subject you have to express the current project. As Namjoon suggested if they could put 'Oppa' in, Jimin got kinda weird.

"Why do you have to put the word 'oppa' in our song? I mean, there is really no point, right? Not like we all like someone. Right?" Mochi shook. "Let's not put it in there."

Namjoon raised a brow. "You don't want it being put in the song because of Yoongi do you?" He smirked. Jimin got flustered, gawking at Namjoon, then at Yoongi.


"Then let someone else sing that part then." Seokjin grimaced, getting annoyed with the current situation. "While I have everyone's attention, let's sort out who'll sing and who'll rap."

After about 12 minutes, they all worked out their roles and the order that they'll do it in. As Jungkook had the opening of saying 'oppa' Taehyung didn't like it. He didn't want the younger to go around mentioning that word. He got slightly jealous.

A faint noise of a bell echoed throughout the classroom. The boys sat down in their seats, while Jin kissed his boyfriends' cheek, and took a seat next to him.

Hoseok sat by Jimin and Jungkook, while Taehyung and Yoongi sat in the front.

"Why can't we sit next to them?" Hoseok placed his right hand on his face, holding it up by his elbow.

Jimin shrugged and glared at Jungkook who groaned, throwing his head back. He grabbed his bag and sat behind the two who turned their heads around. But Yoongi had other ideas.

"Why don't you sit next to Taehyung?" He smirked.

"What about-"

"I'll sit by my Jiminie~" Yoongi sing-songed, pushing Jungkook to sit in his old seat, and sitting next to his boyfriend who blushed.

Taehyung sat awkwardly next to Jungkook, not knowing what to say. Namjoon knew what the boy wanted, so he gave him a notepad. Kook looked over to see what he was writing;

'This is slightly boring, but you're really fun to be with!'

Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat. Tae accepted him as his friend; but what if he wanted to be something more.

"You're really fun to be with too, Tae." Came a whisper voice. Both of the boys were blushing, silently looking at eachother.

Jimin glanced at the elder and blushed. To be honest, he and Yoongi are going out, but are usually so awkward with eachother. They haven't done anything except kiss, cuddle, hug, text, get jealous, etc.

Namjoon gave the class a free lesson, since he couldn't be bothered and was tired from last night.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around his lovers waist and cooed at the reaction he got. Mochi was blushing so much, and tried his best to keep a straight face.

Hoseok snorted and looked away, feeling disgusted of the couple.

Suddenly, Taehyung began shaking - violently. He had to use Kook's arm for support, but nothing helped it.

Soon, he darted out of his seat and rushed straight to the rooftop. The boys looked worried, but since Namjoon was nice; he let all of them run after Tae; Jin also.

Yoongi pushed Hoseok out of the way and ran up the stairs. He thinks of Taehyung as his younger brother, replacing Hoseok. As they all made it up there, it shock them.

There stood Taehyung, covering his right eye, back against the wall, coughing up blood.

"Oh shit.."

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