.•Chapter Ten•.

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"Right!" Jimin kicked the stones that were under his feet. "Why don't we just create a song, that represents us?" He offered. The other three boys shook their head. Yes, three. Jin had decided to join them as he had nothing better to do. 

Hoseok, Jin, and Jungkook were walking along with Jimin to a diner, that was across from Jungkook's house. After two days of what happened with Taehyung and Yoongi in his bedroom; remained visibly in their minds.

As they reached the diner, they all sat down in a booth, Jin immediately picked up a menu and scanned it. Hoseok played on his phone, as Jimin got himself in a deep conversation with Jungkook.

Suddenly, the bell rang. The door opened, revealing Jin's boyfriend; Namjoon. As they got married last year; they agreed to be Jungkook and Jennie's 'step parents'. As Jin made friends with Jimin and Hoseok, he asked Namjoon if he could be a class helper. 

"Joonie!" Shouted Jin, as he dashed over to the said boy. He dragged him to the booth and forcefully pushed him down on the seat.

"Namjoon, y'know you love us and everything~" Hoseok started. "Can you help us with the Talent Show?" He beamed his eyes. The other boy shook his head, and muttered a 'sorry'. 

And idea popped in Jungkook's head. "Hey Hyung?" They all looked at him. "You always said you wanted to be a rapper, so why not be in our group? That way you can perform on stage, with your best buds." Kook giggled, watching how Namjoon's eyes shined. 

It took about 19 minutes, as it was full of pure silence until he finally agreed. The other four boys cheered. They all ordered what they wanted, and waited for their food. Jin tried to write some lyrics out, but couldn't make out a single sentence. With him being handsome and all, made him lose a few brain cells.

Hoseok decided on a theme for the song. He wanted it to be a sort of 'HighSchool song'. Jungkook couldn't help but wonder if Taehyung was okay. He wanted to check on the boy but didn't have his number.

"Hey, Hoseok Hyung?" He looked straight at him. "Can I have Yoongi Hyung's number?" He questioned, watching how the said boy nodded and gave him his phone to copy down.  Once he did, he decided to text him.

Hey Hyung, can I have Taehyung's number?

Who the fuck is this?

It's your Maknae :)

Ohh, hey Jungkook. Uhm sure, his number is xxx-xxx

Thank you so much, Hyung! 💜

° ° °

Hey Taehyung! It's me, Jungkook. I hope this isn't weird or anything, but I wanted to know if you were okay. Y'know after what happened at my house?

Nahh, it's okey. Tbh, I find it really cute. I just woke up anyway, so yeah..
Also, I'm fine. Just felt an attack happening, and I needed something to draw my attention away.

Taehyung.. If you needed anything, any help, anyone, if you need a shoulder to cry on .. I'll be here for you 💜

Lel, that's so random, but really adorable, hehe 🤭. Ohh yeah .. Just a heads up, my writing style for texts are really different from V's so .. Just so you won't get confused.

° ° °

"Ooh, Jungkook, who you texting?" Hobi teased, enjoying how Jungkook got immediately flustered. "Guys, look. Jungkook's got a crush~" 

The aforementioned got flustered immediately. Shaking his head, blinking to fast.

"Hoseok, shut your mother ducking mouth, or I'll shut it myself." He threatened.

"Ooh, feisty I see-"

"Shut up, both of you peasants. Let's try to focus on the song." Interrupted Jin, who was taking selca's of himself.

° ° °

The boys were at the park, trying to get some inspiration; but that was not possible. In the distance you could hear children laughing, people talking, and most importantly; a blank giggle.

Jungkook averted his eyes over to the right and coughed to get his Hyungs' attention.

"Taehyung and Yoongi are here." He answered. Jimin and Hoseok looked at the same direction Jungkook was looking in and began to freak out. Yoongi decided to approach them by pulling Tae along.

"Hey guys, how ya doing?" His gummy smiled flashed. "Me and Tae were bored, and we saw you, whatcha doing?"

Hoseok snorted and fixed himself. "Who are you and what have you done to Suga?"

"Ha ha, very funny." He responded sarcastically. "Anyway, we couldn't help but notice you guys practising for the talent show."

They all nodded in agreement. Suddenly Jin began to smirk.

"Would you and TaeTae like to join us?" The four boys gawked at him.

Taehyung flustered at the sudden nickname, and hid behind his Hyung. "I dont think Taehyung will like that."

"Jin.. O-Oh! Yeah you should join us, you're smart and really good with song lyrics. Help us please?" Namjoon practically begged.

It took a while, but the pale boy gave in, holding Taehyung by his arm. Jimin couldn't leave the sight. He felt disgusted.

"Why do you keep holding him like that?" Mochi suddenly spoke. Taking surprise of everyone with his dark tone.

"Well, you never know when V's about to come out.. So I try to reassure him that it's okay." Yoongi tried to explain, only to get a shrug. "Wow, my own boyfriend just aired me."

That was all it took for him to blush. Jimin darted in the bouncy castle, not wanting to be seen.

"So, what theme is it anyway?"


"What is it supposed to be about?"

"Students who are in love."

Yoongi smirked.

"Ohh, Boy in Luv."

This chapter was so weird to write, and I think I has dented my fingers.

Sorry if it's late! I'll try my best next time.

Bye 💜

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