.•Chapter TwentyFive•.

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Jungkook walked along the concrete with Jimin, all the way over to Yoongi's house. He was happy with the fact that they all agreed on the surprise for their eldest, but vibration from his pocket brought him back to reality.

Kookie.. Where are chu? Taetae wants to cuddle with you ~

Taetae ?! I'm walking over to Yoongi's house. You could come there if you want to.

T-taetae remembers yoonie told me to never walk somewhere awone.. hwe said there are dangerous people around there..

You know what? Tell me where you live, me and Jimin will come and get you.

Oki xxxx-xxxx


The two Busan boys walked over to the said address. But Kook will admit; he was scared. He hasn't actually gone to the older's house before but remembered he needed to stay away from him a little.

There they both stood; in front of the freshly- old painted house. Red paint, the same shade as red, dropped from the windows, causing Jimin to be a little scared.

No people were in sight, apart from the two Busan Boys. Jungkook rolled his eyes, sighing briefly, preparing himself to knock the glass door.

"Tae? You in there?" Asked the younger, trying to peep into the transparent object. "It's me, Kookie."

Moments later, soft padding could be heard from behind the door, struggling to reach the handle. Finally opening it, he was met with two pairs of eyes gazing right at him.

Panicking was the first thing that bubbles up in his mind and tried to say a few words, but to no avail. With that out of the way, the boy decided to latch onto Jungkook.

"Kwookie's here!" His signature boxy smile was lit up, displaying itself. "Jwiminie!" Jumping off the before said aforementioned, soon to jump on the now said boy's back.

Chim was taken aback for a moment before catching Taehy- Taetae.

"We have to go to Yoongi's house, now, or we'll be late for Jin's surprise!" Seeing a nod come from Jungkook, they both took their time locking up Taehyung's house, and walked down the concrete road.

Finally reaching the destination that they were planning, the two panted, glaring at the energetic younger.

"Let's go see my babybo- I mean, Yoongi." Jimin hesitated, gazing at Jungkook who quirked an eyebrow.

"Wow, I thought Yoongi topped, guess I was wrong." Smirking, he finally knew his big secret.

"Fuck you! I thought you topped, but guess I was wrong!" Mochi retaliated, opening his mouth to say something else, when suddenly the front door of his boyfriend flung open, nearly kicking the wind out of him.

"What's going on here?" Asked a bewildered short male. His porcelain-like skin shined at the current light that was hitting his house.

"Um..." muttered off Jungkook, who got interrupted by an ashy coloured hair boy.


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