.•Chapter Four•.

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It was time for lunch, so everybody got up from their seats and started walking to their lockers, crowding the hallway or go straight to the cafeteria.

Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok began making their way to the busy canteen. When they did, the spotted Yoongi sitting opposite Taehyung, who was showing him something on his phone. Hoseok started pulling on Jungkook's sleeve to walk to their regular table, but Jungkook, being Jungkook, he walked over to the table behind the two.

"Jimin, why don't you wanna sit with your future boyfriend, hm?" Hoseok smirked, getting a playful slap on the chest. Jimin grunted and crossed his arms to turn away from the smiling boy. "Jungkook, what about you?"

Jungkook rose a brow and turned his head to see Taehyung laughing at something Yoongi showed him. Yoongi turned around and walked towards the table that the other three boys were on. He grabbed Jimin by the arm and said;

"Sit with us, we're bored." And with that, he left, with Jimin. Hoseok and Jungkook followed and sat down on the table. "Jimin, you okay?" He asked, earning a small nod from the younger, who was obviously blushing. Yoongi nodded and went back to showing Taehyung something.

Jungkook took his turn to speak up. "So, Taehyung," He turned to face him. "What up with the whole roof scene?" He folded his arms, getting slightly irritated. The other three looked at Taehung, who was on the verge of tears. Jungkook started panicking.

"Y-Yoongi, did I make him upset?" He looked down, feeling kinda guilty.

"No, it wasn't you. Remember how I told you that he gets upset when other people can talk properly, except him?" He explained, patting Taehyung's back for comfort. Jungkook scoffed.

'He can't fucking talk? Then what the hell was the whole rooftop thing about? I'm sure he talked then, just a little bit. Or maybe I was overexaggerating. Maybe.'

Taehyung did some sort of sign language to Yoongi who nodded, turning to Jungkook.

"He wants you to talk to him" He smirked. "Properly." He turned his eye to Jimin who was looking away from him. "Also, Kitty, when did you get so adorable?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and got up to follow Taehyung to god knows where. He turned to his watch, it read 12:49. They made their way to the lockers. Nobody was really around though, people either went outside or the canteen.

Jungkook didn't have time to ask anything before he was pushed against the lockers. Taehyung ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair and smirked.

"I'm seriously surprised you don't remember me." He smirked, trapping Jungkook by putting his leg in between his legs. He started to grind a bit on him.

"W-Why the hell .. Would I.. Remember you .." He couldn't make out a single word. Taehyung started getting pissed. He gripped to Jungkook's shoulders and slammed them back onto the locker, hardly.

"You're a right bitch, you know that, right?" He spat, the coldness took over from his warm, lovely eyes. But -- they looked a bit darker than before.

Meanwhile ..

"Yoongi, can we please go?" Jimin struggled to get from his grip.

They were currently in the Janitors closet, after Yoongi said he needed to talk to him about something serious, but he didn't think this is what would have happened.

"But you like me pushing you up against the wall, don't you?" He asked, gaining a small laugh in return.

Jimin was about to playfully push him away, but then --


Both of them stopped and started at each other, in shock. Jimin opened the door and sprinted out, Yoongi following. What they saw was unbelievable.

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