.•Chapter Fifteen•.

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This chapter is for Psycho_Kiki and suga_bear_yoonie

"Don't you dare go against me, Jeon Jungkook."

V kicked the poor boy in the stomach, causing him to feel dizzy. Jungkook fell back against the wall, allowing the older to choke the living daylights out of him.

Yoongi dashed over to the boy, pushing him away.

"V, what the fuck are you doing?!"

The older didn't say anything except wipe the blood off his face. Jimin and Hoseok instantly rushed to Jungkook's side and picked him up by his shoulders.

"V.. You're mental." Jimin spat, carefully his friend on Namjoon's back.

"Me? Mental? Never, I'll just say I'm deranged." He smirked, waiting for the other to retaliate. But unfortunately for him -- he never did.

Instead, the boys; Hoseok, Mochi, and Namjoon all took Kook away, leaving Jin and Yoongi behind with this psycho.

"Taehy- V, what actually happened?"

"The little bastard didn't listen to what the fuck I wanted him to do."

"And what was that?" Seokjin questioned, as Yoongi already knew the answer.

"I wanted him to kill Taehyung."


"Careful!" Hobi screamed. "We don't want to do any more damage, would we?"

Namjoon nodded and slowly placed the younger onto the bed. They had to rush to the nurse, but since she wasn't there; they have to improvise. Jimin paced back and forth, trying to process everything that had just occurred.

"shit, why would V do something like this?!" He spat. The other two shrugged. Jin and Yoongi bursted into the room and let their emotions get the best of them.

"Chim.. I'm sorry."

Suga apologized. The others forgave him, but they couldn't help but wonder something. Where's V?

"Uhm, bro? Where's your friend gone?"

The pale boy's eyes widened and glanced at Seokjin, who looked to the floor. Namjoon rose an eyebrow, and JiHope couldn't stop staring at the two.


"He ran off, taking his gun. I think he's going to try and rob a bank; but without Yoongi, he can't do it alone. He didn't even say where he was running off too, but the brat won't even answer his phone."

Jin explained, trying so hard not to tear up. Soon enough; a bunny boy awoke from the bed, feeling massive amounts of pain, which struck through his head.


The 5 boys looked at him, and couldn't make out of what he was trying to say.

"T-Taeh-hyung.. I.. L-Lov-ve you.."

The males stopped and stared at the sudden confession. Jimin felt an instant slap of regret. Of course, he did it to protect his best friend, but he couldn't stop to think that something triggered the alter to attack the person it loved.

"I don't think this piece of shit is okay." Suga spat, getting the attention of everyone in shock. "It's his fault that V ran off."

Joon slapped the back of Yoongi and scowled.

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