.•Chapter Nineteen•.

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It was Friday, the day greeting everyone by the lovely weather. Rain.

Jungkook looked around the bus stop, awaiting its arrival while spotting his sister and her girlfriend walking past him. They both waved as a small 'hi' and heard a sudden screech.

Kook's big doe eyes widened. A red themed car, crashing right into a building, which belonged to a frail old woman. Everyone began crowding around the scene, witnessing the problem that had just been committed.

Luckily, the bus pulled around on the corner, and as everyone saw it, they dashed right towards it. Jungkook managed to get a seat far up to the back, sitting down like the terrified bunny that he was, right now.

Just then, a certain ash grey haired made their way onto the vehicle. The younger's eyes lit up and waved his hand to get his attention.

"Taehyung, sit next to me!" Kook exclaimed, feeling quite giddy about the boy. The aforementioned smiled and made his way over to the seat and sat down.

"How are you doing?" He asked, having a sign language answer back.

'I'm fine'

"Good, good. Oh hey, guess what? There's a school dance coming in two weeks, are you excited?"

'Not really'

Of course, those words stung Jungkook in the heart, bit remained unseen, as the boy used his poker face.

After a 15 minute ride, the bus stopped, opening the door and allowing students off of the vehicle. Taehyung got off first and waited for the other. As they smiled at eachother, a sight caught their eyes.

Yoongi and Jimin making out on the bench.

"Get a room you two," Jungkook complained, annoyed with seeing the males. The two parted and giggled for a second before continuing. Kook grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him away for a bit. "It's quite disgusting to be doing this in a public place, in School." He rolled his eyes.

Taehyung stood there dumbfounded. The chocolate-themed eyes gazed around, looking to see if anyone else noticed this. But, something else caught his eyes. A tall man with black hair, licking his lips at the sight of the boy. Tae slightly panicked and hid behind Jungkook, who was quite confused.

"What's wrong, Baby?" He asked, not forgetting the look of fear in the elder's eyes. Taehyung grabbed his arm and pointed to-


He had imagined it.

While Jimin and Yoongi were watching everything, all they could see was a field. Nobody or anything was there, except for a mowed lawn.

"Taehyung, there's nothing there, why are you pointing to the field?" Suga chuckled. The aformentioned glared into his cold eyes and scoffed. "Maybe it was a gust of win or something?"

The boy wasn't having it and walked off by himself. The other three boys rolled their eyes and followed the Male. While doing this, something was clearly off with everything.

The students were acting strange, and was giving them weird looks. They would often whisper to eachother, and for the first time, nobody smiled.

It seemed like a miserable day at the School.

As the field was getting closer to their view, a black figure was seen slightly, holding something up to his ear. Being on the phone, I guess? But it didn't seem right.

"Hello?" Jimin hesitated to even speak. The foggy wind blowing in the distance, as the school seemed all gloomy.

"Oi, if you aren't going to talk, at least act tough." Yoongi complained, snorting at the actions the man was taking. He was backing up.

Sweet But Psycho (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now