.•Chapter ThirtyOne•.

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can you follow my insta 👉🏼👈🏼

can you follow my insta 👉🏼👈🏼

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Jungkook was shook after seeing his boyfriend become hella possessive. V hasn't shown any sign of defensiveness like that before- which made Kook realise that the alters could... adapt.

"Please, sit down," Namjoon spoke, holding five clipboards in his hands, giving one to Seokjin. After waiting patiently for the students to do so, he continued. "As you see, we have two new pupils- would you like to introduce yourself?"

Minjoong stood up in front of the class. Hong couldn't stop his fragile hands from shaking- and the younger seen that.

"Hi, my name is Mingi, and his name is Hongjoong- please take care of us!"

The class swooned over the two boys, the girls found them so adorable, whereas some males rolled their eyes and scoffed.

"You can sit next to... Yeosang actually. He needs a friend." Joon whispered the last part to the boys, who couldn't stop the giggles. They did as they were told and tried to begin a conversation with the boy.

Jungkook kept his eyes glaring at his boyfriend, who was snarling and pouting. The younger tried to get the older's attention- but with no avail.

Poking didn't work. Play slapping didn't work. Not even a harsh kick to the leg.

"V." Jungkook's voice was a bit louder than before, but he finally succeeded in getting the attention he craved. "What's wrong?"

The boy gave a small smile, but pointing to the stairs outside of the classroom. The bunny boy nodded his head- seeming to get the idea.

"Sir, can I take V- Taehyung outside for a couple of minutes, he needs fresh air."

The teacher contemplated for a moment before nodding his head. "Not too long though, okay?" The two boys gave a thumbs up and left the room- to the roof.


"So, what's wrong?" Kook asked, leaning against the wall. No answer was given to him. "V, tell me. You said you would!" He began to whine, the thought of something being kept from him tore him apart- making him desperate to know.

"I never said I would tell you anything. In fact, I said nothing," The alter spat, crossing his arms. "Can we go now?"

Jungkook was in disbelief- his boyfriend wanted to come to the roof.

The younger shook his head. "Is it Hongjoong and Mingi, did Yoongi say something to you? Was it that guy-"

He was cut off by a pair of lips attaching to his. A harsh kiss, to be exact. It did dangerous things to his heart, but felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his small waist. As the two fought for dominance in the kiss, they pulled away- being needy for air.

"Don't you ever mention that abominations name again." V spat, pulling his boyfriend close to him. "I don't want you anywhere near him, understand me?"

Jungkook nodded, cuddling up into his boyfriend. He wasn't really paying attention- expect for the warning he was given. Gazing into his lovers eyes, he swore he saw a line of ash flash past his eyes.

"Um- V," Jungkook started, getting a small hum as a response. "Are your eyes supposed to change colour?"

The aforementioned nodded his head a little. "It depends, I guess. I'm the only powerful alter, meaning I can control my feelings quite well. Better than the others."

The younger nodded his head, closing his eyes. He rested his head on his lover's lap and fell asleep rather quickly.

The older stroked his boyfriend's hair, silently humming to himself.

"Don't worry my poor bunny. Daddy has you, now."

Indeed I have writers block. Apologies for this boring chapter— also it's not proofread, I wanted to get this chapter up and quickly begin writing the next one. I've been unmotivated and I apologise. Stay safe ^-^~

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