.•Chapter Seven.•

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It was 𝟕:𝟐𝟏 AM and Jungkook and Jimin were currently getting ready for school. Seeing as Jennie was in a good mood, she suggested that she'll drive them to school. The boys were all ready and decided to check the local news.

"And breaking news for today, the notorious Suga and V, had another crime inspection yesterday. The Seoul Bank was busted in and robbed. Police Reports say that the two were spotted wearing black jackets, as one had dark, ashy grey hair, and the other had a bluey mint shade. The Police were unable to catch them, as they jumped into a charcoal theme truck and drove off. If anyone has seen these, please, report them immediately."

Jungkook and Jimin were shocked, upon hearing the news. They paused the TV, looking at the pictures that were taken at the scene.

 They paused the TV, looking at the pictures that were taken at the scene

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They both yelled out, startling Lisa and Jennie. They both came running in and looked at the stunned boys.

"No.. There's no way .. That's my .. Yoonie.." Jimin croaked, backing up with tears appearing in his eyes.

"Jimin .. That's .. Taehyung .. Mother fucker.." Jungkook clicked his neck. "I'm going to kill Min Yoongi."

Jennie gasped, taking her shoe off and slapping Jungkook with it.

"There will be no cursing in this house! You disrespectful little git!" She yelled. Lisa placed her arm on her shoulder.

"Jennie, calm down. They are both scared." She assured. "Just drive them to school, and they'll be alright."

She nodded, getting the car keys from the table, grabbing their ears and yanking them out of the house, leaving Lisa smirking by the door.


After a ten minute drive Jimin and Jungkook stepped out of the car, dashing into the school. Jungkook, for once, didn't spare Jennie a glance. She felt displeased.

They ran into the hall, looking around for Yoongi and Taehyung. After hearing a certain Windowshield-Wiper laugh. They rushed over to them.

"MINMOTHERFUCKINGYOONGI!" Jimin yelled, storming to the mint haired boy. For once he looked, scared.

"Jimin! You okay?" He asked, showing off his gummy smile. He watched Jungkook and Jimin sit down. "You look .. Tense."

"No shit, Sherlock." Jimin banged his fists on the table, scaring Taehyung. "Tell us why you're the Infamous Suga." He demanded.

The gummy smile faded. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was about to cry.

"And you, Taehyung." He started off. "Why didn't you tell me you were V?" His expression was calm, not wanting to scare the older.

Taehyung looked over at Yoongi. He looked over to Jungkook. He shook his head and he began growling. He stood up, and gripped Jungkook by the collar.

Yoongi put his face in his hands and began crying. Jimin obviously felt bad for the older, so he went by his side and hugged him.

Taehyung dragged Jungkook to their classroom and threw him onto one of the desks, making him fall down into the seat.

"Y-You wanna know why, I'm .. V?" He asked, facing away from Jungkook. "You wanna know?!" He yelled, kicking the window, smashing it.

Taehyung locked the class door, making sure Jungkook wouldn't escape.

"Y-Yes, Taehyung .. I do.." He mumbled. He couldn't find the right words he wanted to say. "Tell me." He reached his hand out for Taehyung.

He pulled him closer. Taehyung's eyes looked different. They weren't like the soft brown eyes, they looked the same as his hair colour, grey.

"What's with your eye colour.. T-Taehyung?" He muttered, reaching forward to attach his hand with the older's neck.

"I told you, I'm not Taehyung,
I'm V."


"Yoongi Hyung, what are you talking about?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin were watching the poor boy. His eyes were all puffy, due to the crying. They all expected an answer.

"I told you, he has a Dissociative Personality Disorder."


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