.•Chapter Twentyseven•.

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"Taehyung! Please just open the door and let me talk to you!" Jungkook begged, in desperate need of getting the obstacle in front of him, out of the way. "Baby.... please..."

No doubt, that by now V had to have come out, or the boy was just sulking on his bed.

'I wish Jisoo never said that. She knew I got over him.'

Kook thought, slamming his right hand down on the wooden door. Seeing as no sound was made, the younger's arms dropped down to his sides, causing him to slide down the obstacle. Bringing his knees up to his face, tears began brimming in his eyes. Soft sniffles escaped his mouth, as his body was shaking— mostly from the cold, but from the thought that he may lose Taehyung.

Suddenly, behind the door, there was a click. The person behind it wrapped their arms around Jungkook, nuzzling their head in the other boy's neck, inhaling his addictive scent. No doubt it was Taehyung, but the back hug caused the bunny boy to freeze.

The older of the two but his lip and dragged his head close to Kook's ear. Tae took a deep breath and whispered..

"T-Tae i-isn't ma-mad at y-y-you..."


The boys were sat down on the couch, facing the four girls in front of them. They didn't know what to do since the young boys ran off upstairs, none of them bothered to check what was wrong, (including Yoongi). He thought of it as; Taehyung needs Jungkook, he didn't need the older boy to interfere anymore.

"So um... anyone up for a game of charades?" One of the girls asked. Her frame was petite and small, moving her red hair to the side, and moving her round, circular glasses up a bit.

"Rosè, we already played that, and my gorgeous back is in pain from pretending to be a surfboard," Jin complained, rubbing the spot that he had just mentioned.

"No, no, no, you asked and wanted me to be the surfer, blame yourself, babe." Namjoon reasoned, cuddling up to his flustered husband. "Besides, we played that, truth or dare, there isn-"

"Oh my god, I got it!" Jennie exclaimed, scaring almost everyone in the room, "Let's play secrets and sins." Every person sighed, they knew about her obsession with 'Riverdale', but they had no interest in playing this game at all. "Please~ it'll be fun." She convinced, mentally smiling to herself when everyone agreed. After about five minutes of silence, nobody decided to begin. "Who wants to start?" The girl asked, immediately regretting her decision.

After those words left her mouth, fingers were directly pointed towards the Korean girl, who sulked but complied.

"Okay... So, if you may have noticed, I'm Jungkookie's big sister, obviously, but my last name is Kim," Nini began, holding her Fiance's hand. "I mean, I'm not exactly his sister, but his stepsister; my mom married Kook's dad. But I noticed that as soon as she introduced me to him... He seemed so... Lonely and broken. Like something had shattered in front of his mesmerizing eyes." The girl paused, taking a deep breath before looking at everyone in the room, who were paying close attention. "As soon as the year started, our parents wanted to travel, going abroad on a business trip. I could tell my mom slightly despised my little brother, she never looked him dead in the eye. But I remember one time... That made Jungkook mute for almost a year."


"Jungkookie, please come to my room." A posh voice ordered, brushing her brunette hair out of her eyes, admiring the pearl necklaces that her husband had given her, as well as silver rings that plastered her slender fingers.

Tne aformentioned skipped into the room, belonging to his parents, tilting his head, allowing his big doe eyes to examine his surroundings.

"Yeah, mom, what do you need?" The boy asked.

"Baby, I need you to do me a simple favour." She began, her voice laced with concern and worry, but watching how her son reacted with a nod, her eyes darkened, allowing the small smirk forming from her lips to show. The woman-- Irene stepped close to the boy, causing him to back up to the door, which was now closed. "I don't want you to ever speak to those boys again. You will not talk about Jimin and Hoseok ever again! Do you understand me?"

Kook's eyes widened, mouth becoming dry, as his skin turned pale. Voice not being vocal, he couldn't bring himself to speak. His hands shook, legs quaking— never in his life did his mother ever yell at him. But he wasn't going to lie:

He was terrified.


The boys were silent, as well as Rosè. They never realised that their friend had such a rough childhood, let alone by the woman who he was forced to call "mom".

"That's..." Jimin began, tears running down his chubby cheeks.

"Terrible." Yoongi finished for him, wrapping his arms around his lovers waist. "Why didn't he ever speak up about it?" He asked, tilting his head a little.

Jennie was a bit hesitant about this question, and everyone knew it. "Jungkook was never the one to speak up against anyone. When he used to get bullied, the only people that helped him was me and his dad. My mom was horrible to him, because..." The girl trailed off, lowering her head down to glare at the floor, feeling a form of tears build up in her eyes. "B-because... He wasn't her son... and the one she had... passed away..."


Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the younger's bed, cuddling together— well, Kook lying down by the headboard and Tae straddling his waist, placing his head on the boys chest.

"Baby, do you wanna go downstairs now?" The only reaction he got was head shake. "Well, what do you want to do?" Jungkook felt the older cuddling up against him, eyes fluttering closed as lips open ajar. He couldn't help but smile at the sudden act of admiration. "I'll wake you up later, Tae."

Kook placed a kiss on the aforementioned's cheek, feeling his own eyes becoming heavy. Shrugging to himself, he closes them shut, allowing the darkness to consume him.

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