.•Chapter Twenty•.

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This chapter may be longer because of some lovely Taekook moments I'm adding in. Tbh, I wanted to add this in for a while. If you don't like long chapters, please tell me your thoughts. :D Maybe a bit of warning for smu-

But I can't write proper smut, so I'm sorry if it's bad '-'


The boy, laid lifeless on the bed, no sign of moving, fidgeting, or even speaking. Jungkook hurriedly made his way over to the white surface that the Male was currently lying on.

"What the hell happened?" Kook asked, glaring at the 6 other boys in the room. Namjoon stepped up and shook his head.

"Jimin had said that him, you, Yoongi and Taehyung has seen a man all in black, and he attacked you," Joon continued. "But, as the knife was about to hit you, Tae stepped in front and had the weapon to his eye."

The poor boy looked right at Suga who made no contact, the same with Mochi. A questioned rang in his mind.

"If Taehyung was hit, how come I am in the Hospital, also?"

Seokjin's eyes widened, along with Hoseok's.

"Well, to be honest... You didn't completely dodge the attack." The older answered. "Some part of the glass from the Car; that crashed into the building got into your skin. But I don't know how the glass didn't hurt until now. You basically passed out, after Yoongi pulled Jimin away."

All the words were flooding into the younger's mind, allowing nothing else into it.

He was supposed to protect Taehyung.

He said he would keep Jungkook close to him.

V and Jeon Jungkook both broke their promises to the protection of Kim Taehyung.

As still; no movements. This got Kook worried shit. His eyes began to water, his arms started to shake, and all he wanted to do was hug and kiss him, and tell him it's okay.

"Taehyung, please wake up. I know that it was probably V... But... I really love you, and I just can't... Bare to see you like this.."

Jungkook's words went everywhere, as he bursted out crying. Looking around; the boys were standing and watching with worried eyes.

He hoped and wished this was all a nightmare. Nothing mattered apart from the male. But..

Someone began playing with Jungkook's hair.

"J-Jungkook.. Look up." Jimin stuttered, trying hard not to let his tiniest smile to enter. The aformentioned glared up and their eyes widened.


Everyone left the room; Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi evacuated the area. Only the two youngest people stood there; in the room. 

"Y-You're okay!" Exclaimed the younger. He hugged his lover tightly. Seeing Taehyung awake, made his whole heart become full again. But something didn't seem right... Although the other boys explained why he had a bandage wrapped around his eyes, he wanted to hear it from Taehyung.

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